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The Federal Railroad Administration Two trains passing around bend in fall landscape.

The Budget Office is responsible for FRA's budget formulation, the presentation and defense of the budget through the Congressional appropriation process, budget execution and analysis, reprogramming actions, and appropriation fund control/distribution.

The Budget Office provides the Administrator of FRA budgetary assessments and impacts of implementing future FRA plans and programs.


Budget Formulation: Ensures the President's Budget Submission is in compliance with the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) guidance. Specific responsibilities are:

Issue OMB Budget Guidance and Policy

  • Interpret and implement OMB budget formulation directives.
  • Issue OMB budget guidance and policy

Manage Formulation of FRA's Budget

  • Develop and publish agency's budget instructions
  • Develop, prepare and issue Budget Formulation Schedule, Calendar of Events and milestones
  • Ensure P&F Statements are balanced in accordance with OMB controls.
  • Coordinate preparation of President's Budget Submission.

Manpower Oversight

  • Manage manpower costing, conduct reconciliation and execution analyses
  • Monitor preparation of pay related budget exhibits.

Maintain and Issue TOA Controls

  • Maintain audit trail of resource changes from the OST Submission through the President's Budget Submission
  • Issue FRA's Total Obligation Authority and employment figures.

Budget Execution, Policy and Funds Control: Directs and manages a full range of budget execution functions and disseminates guidance to resolve funding policy issues, as well as distribute all active FRA funds. Specific responsibilities are:

Control and distribute FRA funds

  • Serve as the agency's technical authority for fund distribution and control of funds.
  • Manage and prepare all apportionment and appropriation warrant/transfer documents for all FRA appropriations.
  • Determine fund control responsibilities and issue policies and procedures.
  • Identify administrative restrictions and statutory limitations resulting from Appropriation Acts as well as congressional language and implement execution controls within DELPHI.
  • Manage expired accounts and closed account bills for all appropriations in coordination with fund administrators and program managers.
  • Monitor execution of FRA's funds.
  • Manage the annual obligation plan within the total obligation authority (TOA) controls. Monitor the monthly obligation performance against the obligation plan.
  • Manage the development of the annual outlay plan in consideration of guidance from OMB. Develop the monthly outlay plan. Monitor the monthly outlay performance against the outlay plan. Direct outlay management actions, if required.
  • Manage the reprogramming process for FRA's appropriations.
  • Manage the execution under Continuing Resolution Authority (CRA).
  • Coordinate and direct the formal midyear (MY) execution review process.
  • Provide guidance concerning interagency reimbursable agreements and develop policy for same in conjunction with other agencies.
  • Resolve funding issues.
  • Assist in the resolution of accounting/budget problems by working in unison and on a continuous basis with the accounting staff from ESC-OK.
  • Assist ESC-OK in fiscal year-end closeout operations and in the preparation of FRA's annual certified financial statements.

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Federal Railroad Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE, Washington, DC 20590