Geophysical Fluid
Dynamics Laboratory

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Vis > gallery > climate diagnostics > IPCC Models and Hurricanes

IPCC Models and Hurricanes

This animation illustrates the factors likely to influence Atlantic hurricanes under CO2 induced global warming. On the one hand, the oceans are projected to warm, increasing the thermodynamic potential of hurricanes. On the other hand, vertical wind shear is projected to increase, the effect of which should be in the opposite sense to that of the warming oceans. What is the effect of both factors together?

Even though the effect of each factor in isolation is well established, the net effect of warming oceans and increased shear on Atlantic hurricane intensity and frequency is yet to be understood.

It is also important to note that the model-projected increase in vertical wind shear is limited to the East Pacific and Tropical Atlantic, with other regions showing a decrease in wind shear (see IPCC models and hurricanes website or Vecchi and Soden (2007) for discussion).

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Scientists: Gabriel Vecchi
Brian Soden
Personnel: Remik Ziemlinski
Date Created: 4.18.2007
Software: ImageMagick (Compositing)
3Delight (Rendering)
SVAT (Shading & Data Conversion)
Blender (Annotation Rendering, Arrow & Camera Keyframing)
VTK (Data Mapping)
Python (Scripting)
NetCDF (Data Formatting)
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last modified: May 14 2007.