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Home > About FDIC > Reprintable FDIC Brochures

Reprintable FDIC Brochures

FDIC occasionally publishes brochures which financial institutions are welcome to reprint for distribution to their customers and communities. Here are source files for the reproduction of current brochures.

Your Insured Deposits
Your Insured Deposits (Comprehensive Guide) explains in detail all of the deposit insurance categories (including living trust accounts), especially useful for larger depositors and those with specific deposit insurance requirements as well as bankers helping depositors with deposit insurance questions.


Insuring Your Deposits
Insuring Your Deposit (Basic Guide) explains the basic and most common ownership categories of insurance, including individual accounts, self-directed retirement accounts, joint accounts and revocable trust accounts. Most depositors will find that this guide will satisfy their needs.


Last Updated 08/02/2007 communications@fdic.gov