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Export a variable as CDL file

Message from the ncbrowse mail list.


I am using ncBrowse 1.3.3Beta5. I access OpenDAP data and I would like to 
save this data as a CDL file.
But the CDL files I generated are incomplete. The data values are missing.
Here is a copy of a file I produced with ncBrowse :

***************BEGINNING OF FILE***********************

netcdf Salinity.cdl {
      time = 4 ;
      NbLongitudes = 744 ;
      NbLatitudes = 169 ;
      GridDepth = 6 ;
      int time(time);
         time:units = "days since 2001-10-09 00:00";
      double NbLongitudes(NbLongitudes);
         NbLongitudes:_FillValue = 1.8446744073709552E19; // double
         NbLongitudes:long_name = "Longitudes";
         NbLongitudes:units = "degrees_east";
      double NbLatitudes(NbLatitudes);
         NbLatitudes:_FillValue = 1.8446744073709552E19; // double
         NbLatitudes:long_name = "Latitudes";
         NbLatitudes:units = "degrees_north";
      double GridDepth(GridDepth);
         GridDepth:_FillValue = 1.84467440737096E19; // double
         GridDepth:long_name = "Depth";
         GridDepth:units = "m";
      float Salinity(time, NbLongitudes, NbLatitudes, GridDepth);
         Salinity:_FillValue = 1.8446744E19; // float
         Salinity:units = "psu";
         Salinity:long_name = "Salinity";

  time = 0, 29, 30, 31 ;

  NbLongitudes = -64.59999949489, -64.4999994934, -64.39999949191,
    -64.29999949042, -64.19999948893, -64.09999948744, -63.99999948595,
    -63.89999948446, -63.79999948297, -63.69999948148, -63.59999947999,
    8.60000159579, 8.70000159728, 8.80000159877, 8.90000160026, 9.00000160175,
    9.10000160324, 9.20000160473, 9.30000160622, 9.40000160771, 9.5000016092,
    9.60000161069, 9.70000161218 ;

  NbLatitudes = 9.0, 9.10000000149, 9.20000000298, 9.30000000447,
    9.40000000596, 9.50000000745, 9.60000000894, 9.70000001043, 9.80000001192,
    9.90000001341, 10.0000000149, 10.10000001639, 10.20000001788,
    25.10000023989, 25.20000024138, 25.30000024287, 25.40000024436,
    25.50000024585, 25.60000024734, 25.70000024883, 25.80000025032 ;

  GridDepth = 3.13, 9.7658, 17.0168, 25.0889, 34.1473, 44.3913 ;

**************END OF 

What am I doing wrong ?
Can anybody help me please ?


Paul Hasenohr

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