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Graphic of 4 step screening and assessment process
Step 1: Ask: quantity and frequency, binge, CAGE, and AUDIT
Step 2: Assess: Academic, Social, Behavioral, and Medical
Step 3: Advise Appropriate Action: Iterative process of Brief Intervention, Motivational Interview, and Referral
Step 3: Follow-Up Supportive Care: Iterative process of Brief Intervention, Motivational Interview, and Referral


Percent Drinking Excessively in Past Week

Excessive is more than 13 drinks for a woman and more than 20 for a man.

Line chart with two items.
Item 1: The Experimental Group showed a decrease, over the 48 months, in weekly excessive drinking from approximatley 50 percent to approximately 20 percent.
Item 2: The Control Group showed a decrease, over the 48 months, in weekly excessive drinking from approximatley 50 percent to approximately 25 percent.


Mean Number of Drinks in Past 7 Days

Line chart with two items.
Item 1: The Experimental Group showed a decrease, over the 48 months, in the mean number of drinks consumed in the past 7 days from approximately 19 drinks to approximately 13 drinks.
Item 2: The Control Group showed a decrease, over the 48 months, in the mean number of drinks consumed in the past 7 days from approximately 19 drinks to approximately 14 drinks.


Number of Binge Drinking Episodes Past 30 days

Line chart with two items.
Item 1: The Experimental Group showed a fluctuation over 48 months, starting at approximately 5.5 moving to a low of 3 episodes then rising to just over 4 episodes in the past 30 days.
Item 2: The Control Group showed a fluctuation over 48 months, starting at approximately 5.5 moving to a low of 4 episodes then rising to a high of 6 then declining to approximately 5.5 episodes in the past 30 days.


Percent Doing Any Binge Drinking in Past Month

Binge drinking is defined as more than 4 drinks on single occasion for a woman or more than 5 drinks on single occasion for a man.

Line chart with two items
Item:1 The Experimental Group showed a decrease, over 48 months, from approximately 87 percent doing binge drinking in past month to approximatley 65 percent doing binge drinking in past month.
Item:2 The Control Group showed a decrease, over 48 months, from approximately 87 percent doing binge drinking in past month to approximatley 70 percent doing binge drinking in past month.



Historical document
Last reviewed: 9/23/2005

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