FRB: Data Download Program - Learn more
Allows you to specify precise values for different options to completely define the data to be included in the custom data package.

Required actions
Make selections for each box of options and press the "Continue" button to move to the next set of options.

  • Choose a series type in the first box
    The number of options depends on the release data. You must press the "Continue" button even if there is only one choice. The number of boxes on the screen will depend on your selections. You will progress through each numbered box in sequence, pressing "Continue" after making each selection. The arrow to the left of the box indicates the current set of options.

    Image of first drop down box on the select page

  • Highlight the criteria for the series you wish to include
    Make multiple selections in each box by holding down the control or shift key when clicking on your selection. You can only make selections in the box with the arrow; the boxes that follow aren't active yet because their values depend on what you choose in the current selection box. You must press the "Continue" button after each selection in order to activate the next choice box.

    Image of a list box with multiple items selected on the select page

  • Add series to your package
    Once you have made your selection in the last box, press the "Add to package" button to add your selections to the data package. If there are data in the package already, the current series will be added to the series already in the package only if they have the same frequency . It is not possible to download multiple frequencies in the same file. Things you should know

    Image of a list box on the select page

Optional actions
  • Make changes to your package
    If you add series to an existing package, you will see information about the current contents of your package including the number of series and the frequency of those series. Empty the package completely by pressing the "Clear package" button. Review the contents of your packages by pressing the "Review package" button.

    Image of the data package information box on the select page

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Last update: April 10, 2006