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OAS Publications Released in 2002:  Alcohol, Tobacco, & Illicit Drug Use

This website provides a chronological list of reports produced by SAMHSA's Office of Applied Studies (OAS) in 2002 and includes  the date that the report was available on the web.  Reports may be in HTML or PDF format. 

bulletAll Reports by Year of Release:  1999 to current



Changes in Race and Ethnicity Questions:  1999-2001 NHSDA (PDF format, 3.2 MB)

 12/11/02 Male construction workers' use of illicit drugs
 12/11/02 List of drugs sorted by generic name  (Excel Tables)
 12/11/02 List of drugs sorted by brand name   (Excel Tables)
 12/11/02 Emergency Department mentions for selected psychotherapeutic, CNS, and respiratory agents:  1997-2001  (EXCEL Tables)
 12/06/02 The DASIS Report: Facilities Providing Methadone/LAAM Treatment to Clients with Opiate Addiction
 11/26/02 The DASIS Report: Health Insurance Status of Admissions for Substance Abuse Treatment, 1999
 11/25/02 Phase 2 Field Observations Report (PDF format, 573 KB)
 11/25/02 Incentive Experiment (PDF format, 2.7 MB)
 11/21/02 2001 Detailed NHSDA Tables (PDF format)
 11/21/02 The NHSDA Report:  How Youths Get Cigarettes
 11/19/02 The NHSDA Report:  Drugged Driving
 11/08/02 The DASIS Report: Characteristics of Substance Abuse Facilities Owned by the Department of Veterans Affairs, 2000
 11/08/02 The NHSDA Report:  Illicit Drug Use Among Veterans (2000 and 2001)
 11/05/02 The NHSDA Report:  Youth Violence and Substance Use,  2001 Update
 10/31/02 The NHSDA Report:  Illicit Drug Use Among Hispanic Females
 10/31/02 The DAWN Report:  Club Drugs, 2001 Update (PDF format)
 10/31/02 The DAWN Report: Major Drugs of Abuse in ED Visits, 2001 Update (PDF format)

State Estimates of Substance Use From the 2000 National Household Survey on Drug Abuse: 

 10/23/02 The DASIS Report: Dually Diagnosed Female Substance Abuse Treatment Admissions: 1999
 10/23/02 2001 Drug Abuse Warning Network Detailed Tables
 10/23/02 Drug Abuse Warning Network:  Development of a New Design  
  10/23/02 2001 NHSDA Questionnaire (PDF 921 KB) 
 10/16/02 The DASIS Report: Primary Focus of Facilities Treating Substance Abuse
 10/09/02 The DASIS Report: Facilities Offering Special Programs or Services for Women
 10/09/02 The NHSDA Report:  Serious Mental Illness Among Adults
 10/09/02 The NHSDA Report:  Substance Abuse or Dependence
 10/03/02 The DASIS Report:  Substance Abuse Services and Staffing in Adult Correctional Facilities
 10/03/02 The DASIS Report:  The Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS)
 10/03/02 The NHSDA Report:   Awareness of Workplace Substance Use Policies and Programs

The DASIS Report:  Hispanics in Substance Abuse Treatment


The NHSDA Report:   Low Rates of Alcohol Use among Asian Youths

  9/06/02 The NHSDA Report:   Substance Use, Dependence or Abuse among Full-Time Workers

2001 National Household Survey on Drug Abuse

  9/03/02 The NHSDA Report:   Academic Performance and Youth Substance Use
  8/29/02 The NHSDA Report:   Parental Disapproval of Youths' Substance Use
  8/28/02 Initiation of Marijuana Use:  Trends, Patterns and Implications (HTML format)  (PDF format)

The DASIS Report:  Distance to Substance Abuse Treatment Facilities among Those with Alcohol Dependence or Abuse


The NHSDA Report:  Marijuana Use and Drug Dependence

  8/21/02 Emergency Department Trends from the Drug Abuse Warning Network, Final Estimates 1994-2001

National and State Estimates of the Drug Abuse Treatment Gap  (HTML format)     (PDF format)

  8/15/02 Substance Dependence, Abuse and Treatment:  Findings from the 2000 NHSDA  (HTML format)      (PDF format)

The DASIS Report: Asians and Pacific Islanders in Substance Abuse Treatment Admissions, 1999


The DASIS Report: Youth Marijuana Admissions by Race and Ethnicity


National Survey of Substance Abuse Treatment Services (N-SSATS) This survey provides the mechanism for quantifying the dynamic character and  composition of the U.S. substance abuse treatment delivery system.


The NHSDA Report:  Illicit Drug Use in Metropolitan and Non-Metropolitan Areas

  7/21/02 The DASIS Report: Treatment Admissions for Injection Drug Abuse
  7/18/02 The DASIS Report:  Prescription and Over-the-Counter Drug Abuse Admissions
  7/18/02 The NHSDA Report:  Marijuana Use Among Youths
  7/12/02 The NHSDA Report:  Substance Use and the Risk of Suicide Among Youths

The DASIS Report: Asian and Pacific Islander Adolescents in Substance Abuse Treatment Admissions, 1999

  6/21/02 The DASIS Report: Treatment Admissions for Injection Drug Abuse

The DASIS Report: Heroin Treatment Admissions in Urban and Rural Areas


The DASIS Report: Characteristics of Repeat Admissions to Substance Abuse Treatment

  5/30/02 The NHSDA Report:  Former Cigarette Smokers
  5/22/02 The DASIS Report: Facilities Offering Special Programs for Dually Diagnosed Clients
  5/16/02 The NHSDA Report:  Substance Use Among Pregnant Women During 1999 and 2000
  5/16/02 The DASIS Report: Pregnant Women in Substance Abuse Treatment

The DASIS Report: Drug and Alcohol Treatment in Juvenile Correctional Facilities


The NHSDA Report:  Tobacco Use, Income, and Educational Level

  4/18/02 The NHSDA Report:  Substance Use Among Persons in Families Receiving Government Assistance
  4/18/02 The DASIS Report: New and Repeat Admissions to Substance Abuse Treatment
  4/09/02 The DASIS Report:  Alcohol Treatment Admissions Decrease: 1993-1999
  4/09/02 The NHSDA Report:  Binge Drinking Among Underage Persons
  3/28/02 The DASIS Report: Treatment Referral Sources for Adolescent Marijuana Users
  3/19/02 The DASIS Report:  Analyzing TEDS Online
  3/19/02 ED Trends  From DAWN, Preliminary Estimates January-June 2001 With Revised Estimates 1994-2000  The revised estimates in this report supersede the estimates published previously for 1994 through 2000.

The DASIS Report: Adolescent Admissions Involving Inhalants

  3/12/02 The NHSDA Report:  Inhalant Use Among Youths
  3/01/02 The DASIS Report:  Black Admissions to Substance Abuse Treatment, 1999
  2/28/02 Mortality Data from DAWN, 2000
  2/28/02 Updated Club Drug Tables:  1994 to 2000 (PDF format) For the original report, click on Club Drugs Report from DAWN  
  2/21/02 The DASIS Report: Treatment Admissions for Alcohol Abuse, Alone and with a Drug Problem
  2/12/02 The NHSDA Report:  Team Sports Participation and Substance Use Among Youths
  2/01/02 The DASIS Report: American Indians and Alaska Natives in Substance Abuse Treatment
  2/01/02 The DASIS Report: Admissions to Treatment for Abuse of Alcohol Alone
  1/28/02 The NHSDA Report: Cigarette Use Among American Indian/Alaska Native Youths
  1/28/02 Tobacco Use in America:  Findings from the 1999 National Household Survey on Drug Abuse
  1/28/02 The DASIS Report:  Heroin Treatment Admissions Increase: 1993-1999
  1/28/02 The DASIS Report:  Marijuana Treatment Admissions Increase: 1993-1999
  1/17/02 The NHSDA Report:  Illicit Drug Use Among Youths Who Used Cigarettes and Alcohol
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This page was last updated on July 31, 2008.

SAMHSA, an agency in the Department of Health and Human Services, is the Federal Government's lead agency for improving the quality and availability of substance abuse prevention, addiction treatment, and mental health services in the United States.

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