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Frequently Asked Questions

This section contains Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) relating to NASA, the Space Program, and Aeronautics.

FAQ - Astronauts  - Learn what qualifications are required to become an astronaut and review other frequently asked questions relating to astronauts.

FAQ - Space Shuttle  - This list of frequently asked questions from the NASA Shuttle Web features responses from the experts themselves, the flight controllers in Mission Control and the astronauts in orbit.

FAQ - Astronauts - Learn what qualifications are required to become an astronaut and review other frequently asked questions relating to astronauts.

FAQ - Space Shuttle - This list of frequently asked questions from the NASA Shuttle Web features responses from the experts themselves, the flight controllers in Mission Control and the astronauts in orbit.

FAQ - Aeronautics (Ames Research Center)  - NASA Ames Research Center is dedicated to Aeronautics research and is also the Center of Excellence for Information Technology. Read the most commonly asked aeronautics questions in this area.

FAQ - Aviation (Dryden Flight Research Center)  - NASA Dryden Flight Research Center is the world leader in flight research for discovery, technology development and technology transfer for U.S. Aeronautics and Space Preeminence. Review Dryden's FAQs in this area.

FAQ - Space Science (Marshall Space Flight Center)  - Review the Space Sciences Questions & Answers which covers topics such as astronomy, physics and space, low-gravity science, and microgravity.

FAQ - Ames Research Center  - The following are answers to the Frequently Asked Questions for the NASA Ames Research Center.

FAQ - Glenn Research Center  - The following are answers to the Frequently Asked Questions for the NASA Glenn Research Center.

FAQ - Goddard Space Flight Center  - The following are answers to the Frequently Asked Questions for the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.

FAQ - Jet Propulsion Laboratory  - The following are answers to the Frequently Asked Questions for the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

FAQ - Johnson Space Center  - The following are answers to the Frequently Asked Questions for the NASA Johnson Space Center.

FAQ - Kennedy Space Center  - The following are answers to the Frequently Asked Questions for the NASA Kennedy Space Center.

FAQ - Stennis Space Center  - The following are answers to the Frequently Asked Questions for the NASA Stennis Space Center.

Space Biology-Frequently Asked Questions  - Questions and answers about effects of space on the human body, plants, physics and more are available from this Fundamental Space Biology Outreach Program page.

Space Flight Questions & Answers  - Review the many questions and answers received by the Office of Space Flight regarding life and issues related to living and working in space.

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Editor: Dr. Shelley Canright
NASA Official: Dr. Bernice Alston
Last Updated: April 12, 2007