Geoscience Information Society



The Geoscience Information Society 
facilitates the exchange of information in the geosciences through cooperation among 
scientists, librarians, editors, cartographers, educators, and information professionals. 

GSIS is a member society of the American Geological Institute (AGI),
and an associated society of the Geological Society of America (GSA).

The Officers and Executive Board welcome your input.


2008 meeting (Houston, October 5-9) information

  just published!  Geoscience Information: Keys to Discovery
(GSIS Proceedings v.37) n
ow available.  Order here!

News about the USGS Libraries updated 3/25/08








Web Sites

 Governance & Historical Info



GSIS meets each year in conjunction with the GSA Annual Meeting.  A typical program includes presentation of technical papers, poster sessions, a business meeting, a luncheon, workshops, and a field trip.  Additional annual meeting activities include an exhibit booth, presentation of awards, and a members' reception.

Our next meeting will be October 18-21, 2009, in Portland, Oregon.  More information as plans develop.

Information on recent meetings: 2008 Houston; 2007 Denver; 2006 Philadelphia; 2005 Salt Lake City; 2004 Denver; and 2003 Seattle.


updated 05 December 2008
GSIS Webmaster



The Society presents five awards each year.  They are, in order of establishment:


The work of the Society is done by various Committees.  A complete listing, and their current membership is available.

Get GSIS reimbursement request form here.

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GSIS publishes

  • GSIS Newsletter  (bimonthly -- read some recent issues)
  • Proceedings (annual -- see Publications List)
  • Geologic Guidebooks of North America is online
    • Access to field trip guides issued by societies, universities, geological surveys, etc.  While the database is maintained by GeoRef Information Services, GSIS compiled all editions of
      Union List of Geologic Field Trip Guidebooks of North America
      on which it is based. The 6th edition is still available for purchase from your book vendor.
  • Directory of Geoscience Libraries, North America, 5th edition, 1997.  See Publications List.  
  • Guidelines for Authors, Editors, and Publishers of Geologic Field Trip Guidebooks, revised 2005, is available for download in .pdf format.

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GSIS maintains a listserv, Geonet.  Subscribe now.

You can also search the Geonet Archives: 

1993 - 2001 March
2001 March - 2006 May not currently available -- under revision 6/19/06
2006 May - (current) 


GSIS members reflect all aspects of the geosciences and work toward the solution of information problems faced by those in the profession. The Society includes international representation from academia, business and industry, publishing, geological surveys, geoscience societies, and other related organizations.

Interested in membership?  Membership Information, Application (.pdf)

Download the current membership brochure (.pdf)

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Members' Web Sites -- updated  9/24/08

Many GSIS members develop and maintain web sites for their clientele.  Here are some of those,  excellent places to begin your research.