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International Year of Planet Earth
2007 - 2009

In Association with


Encourage the participation of women in the geosciences
educational, technical, and professional information

Enhance the professional growth and advancement of women in the geosciences

    AWG Mission Statement

    The Association for Women Geoscientists exists to promote the professional development of its members, to provide geoscience outreach to girls, and to encourage women to become geoscientists.

What's New?
(updated 5 October, 2008 )

AWG announces office management transition

Read the lastest issue of AWG E-news

Lone Star Chapter announces their Lone Star Rising Scholarship

Request for 2009 Science Fair Judges

Earth Science Week 2008
October 12-18
"No Child Left Inside"

Upcoming Events

AWG Breakfast at GSA Annual Meeting
Hilton’s Lanier Grand Ballroom D, Houston, TX
Monday, October 6, 2008 6:30-8:30 am

Generational Perspectives of Women Scientists Luncheon at GSA Annual Meeting
Hilton's, Lanier Grand Ballroom AB, Houston TX
Tuesday, 7 October, 11:30 am - 1:00 pm

Associations of Women Soil Scientists and Women Geoscientists Social
Hilton Americas, Houston Room, Houston TX
Tuesday, 7 October, 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Please join us for this wonderful networking opportunity!
You don't need to be registered for GSA and no ticket is necessary – just show up! (Cash Bar)

Other News

Download the "Where are the Women Geoscience Professors?" workshop report from the NSF/AWG sponsored workshop

If you have news to share, contact the AWG Editor

For further information and application materials please contact:

Association for Women Geoscientists
1400 West 122nd Avenue, Suite 250
Westminster, Colorado  80234
E-mail: Contact the AWG office or contact our publicist


Comments? Questions? Please contact Laurie Scheuing - Acting Webmaster

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