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Benefits to Government

Sustained economic growth is a perennial concern for members of Congress because it directly affects the economic and social well-being of their constituents. As the global marketplace becomes increasingly competitive, it is clear that technological and scientific innovation will continue to drive economic development.

The federal laboratory system leads the way in science and technology—unearthing tomorrow's technological innovations today. The process of transferring cutting-edge scientific breakthroughs from federal labs to U.S. industry is a vital part of ensuring that our nation maintains its competitive edge. The FLC plays a key role in facilitating this process—resulting in a host of benefits for your constituents and the nation.

  • Leveraging the Federal Investment in Technology
    Each year, the federal government invests $25 billion in R&D. With technology transfer and the FLC's efforts, much of this investment is leveraged—giving U.S. industry the competitive edge and technologies it needs to create better products.
  • Patents & Licensing
    Licensing federal patents creates additional funds for R&D, including royalty incentives for innovation. This return on investment includes increased time and creativity for the inventors.
  • Facility Sharing
    Through the process of technology transfer, facility sharing helps maintain facilities by offsetting operation and maintenance costs.
  • Strengthening the U.S. Industrial Base
    When the FLC helps a U.S. company reduce its R&D costs, solve a technical problem, or improve productivity by helping them partner with a federal lab, the U.S. industrial base as a whole is strengthened—resulting in a stronger and more competitive nation.
  • Creating New Jobs and Industries
    Spinoffs—new businesses or products that evolve from federal R&D—are a common result of the technology transfer partnerships the FLC helps to create. This means new jobs for your constituents—and sometimes it can mean the creation of an entirely new industry or market. Countless products have either evolved from federal R&D or been substantially improved by it. The FLC can point to hundreds of success stories that led to improved consumer products, increased public safety, a cleaner environment, and more accurate medical tests.