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Fire Fighting Task Force (FFTF) Initiative

The Fire Fighting Task Force (FFTF) is an ongoing outreach initiative sponsored by the FLC Mid-Atlantic Region (which provides the majority of the funding and access to federal labs) and the Mid-Atlantic Technology Applications Center (MTAC) to enhance firefighter safety by responding to end-user requirements for technological advances. The FFTF has been effective in locating federal technology to support the real-life needs of fire personnel by performing needs assessments and evaluating technologies by putting prototypes into firefighters' hands in real fire scenarios. The FFTF initially included 12 federal agencies and 9 major fire departments. While participating federal labs identify relevant technologies, MTAC focuses on locating manufacturers and suppliers to place the items in catalogues so fire services can purchase the new technology devices. In FY2001, the scope of the FFTF was greatly expanded through a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the FLC and the NFPA/IAFC/Metro Fire Chiefs, making it a nationwide initiative.

The FFTF focuses on seven key areas of firefighting technology; FY2001 accomplishments in the priority areas include the following:

Communications in High Noise Environments
The Naval Systems Warfare Center (NSWC) has licensed technology using a piezo device as a head contact microphone; bridge R&D has been completed; and the first-generation helmet- and head-mounted communication device is in the marketplace. The FFTF is helping the FLC to identify technology from federal labs for any needed improvements. The FFTF is also demonstrating the device to key government entities and the firefighting/law enforcement community as a showcase technology transfer success story.

In addition, the FFTF is assisting the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) with testing a prototype device that incorporates transmitting and receiving devices in custom-made ear molds for communicating through the ear canals while providing protection against hearing loss in high-noise environments. The FFTF plans to help NIOSH license this technology for commercialization of the device.

Enhanced Vision Through Smoke
The Night Vision and Electronic Sensors Directorate of the U.S. Army Communications - Electronics Command (CECOM), in association with private industry, developed a helmet and face mask-mounted infrared imaging sensor that can see through dense, heavy smoke. The device is under evaluation by the firefighting community and is being ruggedized. The FFTF is continuing to assist with testing and evaluation by the firefighting community and identifying sources of federal laboratory technology to facilitate ruggedization. In addition, the FFTF is continuing to search for and identify sources from the private and public sectors for low-cost, infrared, focal-plane array systems.

Personnel Locator and Monitoring Systems
A wireless lifeline location technology for small unit operations—developed for the military for use in urban warfare—could be adapted to locate firefighters in buildings. Although additional funding is required, a prototype was demonstrated in FY2001, and the results were promising. Trials of the system are currently being conducted by the Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR). The FFTF is assisting by providing feedback from the firefighting community and better defining the requirements, as well as exploring the possibilities of matching the technology with federal labs that might be in a position to contribute to technology sharing/development and funding.

In addition, the FFTF assisted in a market study conducted by the Center for Technology Commercialization (CTC) on wireless location/tracking devices for use in the public safety sector; more than 10 companies were identified as potential developers of a tracking system. Additional work is required to develop this technology sufficiently to locate a firefighter in three dimensions and within one meter.

Improved Fire Apparatus Design and Performance
Building on discussions between the FFTF and fire apparatus manufacturers regarding fire truck design deficiencies, an MOU between MTAC, Army Aberdeen Test Center, the Fire Apparatus Manufacturers' Association, and the Fire and Emergency Manufacturers and Services Association provides for the cooperative exploration of opportunities in which NASA, Army, and other federal technologies can be applied to improve firefighting devices and apparatus. A long-term innovative design initiative is also being planned that uses the FFTF, university automotive and human factors professionals, and government researchers and testers to redesign, virtual test, and prototype next-generation fire apparatus. It is anticipated that if funding were available, this area of investigation would target the design and performance of the next-generation apparatus for first responders to terrorist attacks.

Wildland Fires
Wildland fires and fires at the interface between wildlands and suburban communities continue to be a problem across the nation. The FFTF is working with the Army Aberdeen Test Center (ATC) in Maryland and its family of all-terrain firefighting vehicles. The ATC concept involves converting excess military equipment to very necessary and useful tools to address wildlands fire control needs. Currently, three different working prototypes are "on duty" fighting fires on test ranges at Aberdeen Proving Ground. The FFTF plans to introduce ATC's modified M60 Main Battle Tank, the M548 Tracked Vehicle, and the M113 Armored Personnel Carrier to stakeholders in the wildland firefighting community. A program to proceed with some additional prototype productions and some operational testing by professional forest firefighters will be pursued.

Click here to view the FLC/CTC Fire Fighting Task Force flyer
Click the above image to view the FLC/CTC Fire Fighting Task Force flyer.