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INTEGRAL U.S. Guest Observer Facility

INTEGRAL Proposals

AO-7 Schedule

ISOC is preparing the release of the Announcement of Opportunity for AO-7. Key milestones are shown below with the currently predicted dates, which may still change. Note the major changes in the AO process, following the recommendation of the INTEGRAL User Group, see ISOC Newsletter Issue 20.

Release of AO for observing proposals: 12 January 2009
Due date for observing proposals: 20 February 2009
TAC meeting for observing proposals: 30 March - 02 April 2009
Communication of TAC results: end April 2009
Release of AO for associated proposals: 18 May 2009
Due date for associated proposals: 12 June 2009
TAC decision on associated proposals: early July 2009
Communication of TAC results: end July 2009


The INTEGRAL AO-6 General Programme, as recommended by the Time Allocation Committee (TAC) and approved on the 3rd of June by the ESA Director of Science and Robotic Exploration (Prof. David Southwood) has been released.

US Guest Observers will be funded through the AO-6 US Guest Investigator Program. Details can be found in this letter from Dr. Rick Harnden, NASA INTEGRAL Program Scientist.

AO-6 Key Program

ESA has selected the 6 observing programs to be conducted within the AO-6 Key Program.

These observations are to be carried out in the period from August 2008 to August 2009 during the AO-6 cycle of observations.

Proposer Proposal Title Target Time (ksec)
Belanger Deep INTEGRAL Observations of the Central Molecular Zone Galactic Center 2000
Ajello The Ultra-Deep INTEGRAL Legacy Hard X-Ray Survey North Ecliptic Pole 2000
Knoedlseder Nucleosynthesis and Anti-Matter Annihilation in Cygnus X Cygnus Region 2000
Weidenspointner Confirming the Asymmetry of the Positron Annihilation
Radiation from the Inner Galactic Disk
Two regions: l=+/-25, b=0 2000
Maccarone Deep Observations of 47 Tuc and the SMC SMC/47 Tuc 2000
Stella Giant Flares from Magnetars in the Virgo Cluster Vigro Cluster 2000


ESA has released the observing program for AO-5. ESA selected 123 proposals of which 24 had US PIs. 49 US Guest Observers were approved for NASA funding of their investigation.

  • Table of all NASA funded investigators for AO-5.

    AO-5 Key Program

    ESA has selected the 4 observing programs to be conducted within the AO-5 Key Program.

    These observations are to be carried out in the period from August 2007 to August 2008 during the AO-5 cycle of observations.

    It is anticipated that successful Key Program proposals with US investigators will be funded within the AO-5 US Guest investigator program. Details can be found in this letter to potential US investigators from Dr. Rick Harden, NASA INTEGRAL Program Scientist.

    Proposer Proposal Title Target Time (ksec)
    Belanger Deep INTEGRAL Observations of the Central Molecular Zone Galactic Center 2000
    Ajello The Ultra-Deep INTEGRAL Legacy Hard X-Ray Survey North Ecliptic Pole 2000
    Knoedlseder Nucleosynthesis and Anti-Matter Annihilation in Cygnus X Cygnus Region 2000
    Butt Imaging the Hyperactive Cygnus TeV Super-Structure in Soft Gamma-Rays Cygnus Region 2000 (merged with the above program)


    The INTEGRAL AO-4 General Observing Program has been released. The ESA INTEGRAL TAC approved 90 Guest Observer proposals for AO-4 of which 35 were associated with the INTEGRAL Key Programme. 34 US Guest Observers have been approved for NASA funding of their investigation.

  • Table of all NASA funded investigators for AO-4.


    The complete AO-3 observing program and a complete list of AO-3 targets are available at ESA's INTEGRAL website.

    The ESA INTEGRAL TAC approved a total of 58 Guest Observation proposals for AO-3, of which 18 are led by US Principle Investigators. An additional 8 AO-3 Guest Observation proposals have US Co-Investigators, thus there is US participation in about half of all AO-3 Guest Observations. In addition to the Guest Observations, NASA approved 8 Archival/Theoretical Guest Investigations received in response to NASA ROSS-2004 amendment NNH04Zss001N.

  • Table of all NASA funded investigators for AO-3.
  • Table of all abstracts for NASA funded Archival/Theoretical Guest Investigations for AO-3.

    Prior AO's

    The observing schedules and lists of approved targets for AO-1 and AO-2 are available from ESA's INTEGRAL web site. The AO-1 and AO-2 observing targets are also listed in the INTEGRAL Observing Program Catalog in the HEASARC INTEGRAL archive. It is searchable using Browse.

    Proposal Tools

    Proposal preparation tools, and instructions for responding to AOs are available through the INTEGRAL Science Operation Center (ISOC).

    Last updated:Monday, 15-Sep-2008 10:25:44 EDT .
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