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FX-Net Project Researchers Honored

At the annual NWS Incident Meteorologist (IMET) Workshop in Boise, Idaho the week of 12 March, the National Weather Service Director, Brig. General D.L. Johnson, USAF (Ret.), presented 'Certificates of Recognition' to two members of the FX-Net project team. Sher Schranz, Project Manager, and Jebb Stewart, Development Lead, received awards:

    In Recognition of your leadership to ensure operational excellence via innovative development and maintenance of critical software for our IMETs.

The National Weather Service has implemented an All Hazards Onsite Meteorological Support System to provide data and communications to the NWS IMETs at remote locations. The core component of the system is the NOAA ESRL/Global Systems Division's FX-Net system. FX-Net provides AWIPS-like displays on the IMET laptop, retrieving real-time atmospheric data from remote data servers. FX-Net has been deployed to hundreds of fires during the last four fire weather seasons, and to other events such as Katrina clean-up support, oil spills, and national political conventions. FX-Net delivers high-resolution satellite, radar, observational, and weather prediction model data utilizing unique compression technology and state-of-the-art, cross-platform, display software.

This state-of-the art research and development, conducted at ESRL's Global Systems Division, has been successfully implemented to serve one of NOAA's main mission goals to "Serve Society's Needs for Weather and Water Information."

Contact information
Name: William Bendel
Tel: 303-497-6708