
State and Meridian
Township Range Section
Summary: This program returns the same information as Graphical Locater for a valid legal description within 17 western states (AR , AZ, CA, CO, ID, KS, MT, ND, NE, NM, NV, OK, OR, SD, UT, WA and WY). The returned position is for the center of the section. If you have questions on the conversion or need to run batch conversion jobs for many points, see the trs2ll program by Martin Wefald,

Instructions: Select the State/Meridian and directions and input the Township, Range, and Section numbers and then select submit. If your state has more than one meridian and this is unknown, use the Graphical Locater TRS2LL State Coverage Map and select a position near your legal description. The meridian is given with each legal description (line 2). If the legal description is "unknown" to Graphical Locater, this program will not work either. Note that some meridians are quite small. The California BLM has a nice set of maps showing the Principal Meridians and Base Lines and the areas they cover. Here is section of one of these maps, used with their permision, showing the states covered by this program.

Introduction: The United States Public Land Survey (USPLS) started with the Land Ordinance of 1785 and covers all US land that was not settled by the time of the official government survey. It does not include the east coast states including Kentucky and Tennessee or Texas. Small areas of other states that were settled before the survey also technically excluded. This explains the odd shapes of many mining claims in the west. Latter title transfers followed USPLS lines.

Legal descriptions to 1 mile square sections have 4 parts: the State/Meridian, Township, Range and section number. Note that an official legal description always works from small to large areas, for example NW1/4, sec. 12, T.122N, R.71W, South Dakota, Fifth Principal Meridian.

The USPLS serves perfectly well for its intended used of land title management, but it is not very suitable for scientific point location management. Mapping and spatial statistics are much easier with a system that is more regular over large areas. The conversion to latitude/longitude allows the USPLS data to be better used in many other systems. The key conversion code is the trs2ll program by Martin Wefald, who has kindly made his program available for this project. The Graphical Locater interface allows easy verification and fine tuning of the position data.

NOV 16 1999, updated on 17 JULY 2003, based on the trs2ll program received on 15 NOV 2001
Web interface and Graphical Locater by D.L. Gustafson,
The trs2ll program by Martin Wefald,