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Unlimited Distribution

April 2001

Carl Mora, 9612 and Jan Gaunce, 12620
Carl Mora, 9612 and Jan Gaunce, 12620, with their award -winning book.


The Society for Technical Communication, Phoenix Chapter, presented awards to Jan Gaunce of the Creative Arts Department and Corporate Historian Carl Mora for their collaboration on Sandia and the Waste Isolation Plant, 1974-1999 (SAND99-1482). Jan received the Award of Merit in Art for book design, and Carl the Award of Excellence in Publication.


Research Historian Rebecca Ullrich and Research Assistant Michael Anne Sullivan are preparing a paper on the history of women in technical jobs at Sandia in the 1950s. This study fits in well with the current revisiting of culture and gender roles in 1950s America. Recent historical studies have brought depth and complexity to our understanding of 1950s culture, getting beyond assumptions about the existence of a monolithic suburban culture that obligated women to stay out of the workforce. As the handful of women with scientific or technical degrees working at Sandia in this period illustrates, American culture offered some room for women to pursue a variety of different careers, if they were determined to do so. The completed article will be submitted to appropriate historical journals for consideration.

In support of National Recorded Information Management Week and National Library Week, Center 9600 sponsored a presentation by Dr. Nick Bontis on April 10, 2001, at the TTC. In addition to Dr. Bontis's talk, there was a panel discussion by Sandians involved in information and knowledge management. Exhibits in the lobby included "Sandia: More than a Career." Prepared by Corporate Archivist Myra O'Canna and Michael Vittitow of Creative Arts, it examines the lives of Sandians beyond their workdays (hobbies, professional involvement, and fun). The History Program also had a new poster on display on April 10. "The Mystery of History: Sandia Historians as Detectives" looks at the process of stumbling upon and investigating a topic in Sandia's past. Rebecca Ullrich and Michael Anne Sullivan prepared the poster with design assistance from Creative Arts.

Michael Anne Sullivan
Michael Anne Sullivan in front of the new "Mystery of History" poster.

The History and Archives display for Take Our Daughters to Work Day on April 26 included "The Mystery of History: Sandia Historians as Detectives," the Field Test exhibit prepared by Corporate Archives, a small activity for the girls, and refreshments.

Rebecca Ullrich attended the annual History of Science Society meeting in Vancouver, British Columbia, November 2-5, 2000. She chaired and gave the comment in a session on scientific exploration. She also attended the annual meeting of the National Council on Public History on April 19-22, 2001, in Ottawa. She presented a paper on Sandia's 50th anniversary monument. "From Eyesore to Icon: Building 828 Transformed" explored the decision-making process involved in using the hoist structure from the west end of Building 828 in the creation of the 50th anniversary monument and the changing place of Building 828 in Sandia's corporate memory.

The History Program's support of Sandia's cultural resources management effort continues. A historical context statement for the New Mexico site has been drafted by Rebecca Ullrich and documentation prepared regarding the structures in Tech Area I. Documentation on Tech Area III at New Mexico is in preparation and will be completed this spring. Research for a historical context statement for the California site has begun as has documentation on individual structures at that site. These will be completed this summer. The History Program is grateful for the support of the NEPA Programs at both sites for involving us in this process.


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Last modified: January 12, 2005