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Energy Systems Analysis Program

The Center for Energy, Environmental, and Economic Systems Analysis (CEEESA) conducts energy systems studies of a wide range of key strategic issues for a diverse set of clients. Our clients include international lending institutions, international agencies, and domestic and foreign regulatory and government bodies. Our main activities focus on:

Click here to see brief project summaries in the energy systems analysis program.


Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy

CEEESA provides support to DOE's Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EE/RE) Program on Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) in the following programmatic areas:

  • APEC New and Renewable Energy Technologies (EGNRET) Expert Group,
  • Energy for Sustainable Communities (ESC) Program,
  • APEC Sustainable Development Network, and
  • Renewable energy and energy efficiency private sector development activities for DOE EE/RE in Thailand.

CEEESA works with DOE EE/RE in developing and coordinating its Asia Strategy. CEEESA coordinates with all the national labs involved in both bilateral and multi-lateral energy efficiency and renewable energy activities in Asia.

Further, CEEESA works with DOE EE/RE on its role as the lead agency for the development of a multi-agency U.S. proposal to work with China in greening the 2008 summer Olympics. This activity will also be part of DOE EE/RE's implementation of its portion of the Clean Energy Technology Export Initiative.

In support of the APEC Energy for Sustainable Communities Program, CEEESA continues to work with four cities on developing projects based on the city energy profiles that CEEESA staff helped produce recently. CEEESA works with the Thai cities of Rayong and Nonthaburi and the Chinese cities of Chizhou (Anhui Province) and Zhangjiagang (Jiangsu Province) on this effort.

CEEESA supports the APEC Energy Working Group's 21st Century Renewable Energy Development Initiative as follows: (1) presentation of a workshop on advances in electricity storage in support of distributed renewable energy and (2) development of a financial roadmap for the APEC region.

Three U.S.-led projects funded by the APEC Secretariat in 2001 involved (1) including new and renewable energy technologies into economy-level energy models; (2) conducting the APEC renewable energy infrastructure assessment; and (3) presenting a workshop on distributed generation, distribution, and efficiency.

Project Brief Description
Multi-agent simulation of hydrogen transition issues In collaboration with partners, such as RCF Consulting LLC, Ford Motor Company, BP, and others, we are using agent-based modeling and simulation (ABMS) techniques to analyze the early transition phase to hydrogen. ABMS is a micro-simulation technique that facilitates representation of heterogeneity and is well suited to applying sophisticated economic and behavioral models in an environment involving actors with widely differing characteristics and goals and limited foresight.
The value of product flexibility in nuclear hydrogen technologies The Department of Energy’s Office of Nuclear Energy within its Nuclear Hydrogen Initiative is supporting system studies to better understand nuclear power’s potential role in a hydrogen economy. This assessment includes identifying commercial hydrogen applications and their requirements, comparing the characteristics of nuclear hydrogen systems to various market requirements, evaluating nuclear hydrogen configuration options, and identifying the key drivers and thresholds for market viability of nuclear hydrogen options.
Assessing current, near-term, and long-term U.S. hydrogen markets This activity supported the Department of Energy's Nuclear Hydrogen Initiative (NHI). DOE-NHI is conducting several system studies to better understand nuclear power’s potential role in a hydrogen economy and what hydrogen production technologies show the most promise.
Capacity building in
energy systems
analysis in Mexico
CEEESA collaborated with several institutions in Mexico on implementing ENPEP for Windows to analyze that country's future energy needs and to estimate the associated environmental burdens. The project is supported by the U.S. government and the IAEA in Vienna. The main objective of the project is capacity building in energy and environmental analysis. CEEESA provided training and technical support to a team of local experts. The team conducted an analysis of Mexico’s entire energy supply and demand system using CEEESA's latest version of the popular ENPEP for Windows software. The Mexican team included experts from SENER, PEMEX, UNAM, IMP, INE, and CONAE.
Developing a fuel policy
for Romania
Faced with a rapid decline in domestic oil and natural gas production, the Government of Romania decided to develop a long-term energy strategy aimed at the efficient use of energy resources. The primary goals were to develop and adopt an appropriate fuel policy for the country that would (1) facilitate decision making for promoting the efficient use of energy resources and (2) formulate least-cost development plans for the energy sector. Additional goals for the new energy strategy included assessing Romania’s comparative advantages with regard to the availability and use of energy resources (both domestic and imported) and of environmental impacts associated with different fuel policy options.
Capacity building in energy and power systems analysis in Colombia
Sponsored by the U.S. government and the IAEA, CEEESA provided training and implementation support to the Planning and Mining Unit (UPME) at the Colombian Ministry of Energy in the use of ENPEP-BALANCE, WASP, and VALORAGUA for energy and power systems analysis. Support was also provided on projecting future atmospheric emissions as well as the economic impacts of various control strategies.
Energy and environmental projections for Turkey
Under a World Bank-sponsored Energy and Environmental Review (EER), CEEESA collaborated with several companies in Japan, Europe, and the U.S. to model Turkey's energy supply and demand situation and to analyze a variety of pollution control and policy options that Turkish authorities might consider. CEEESA's task was to merge information obtained in other EER tasks and provide Turkey’s policy makers with an integrated systems analysis of different options for addressing various energy and environmental concerns.
Providing modeling support for Turkey's First National Communication to the UNFCCC
Funded by the U.N. Development Program, CEEESA assisted the Turkish Ministry of Energy and the Turkish Ministry of Environment in developing greenhouse gas emissions projections for Turkey's First National Communication to the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change.
Analyzing Uruguay's natural gas market
The Government of Uruguay contracted CEEESA to conduct a detailed energy supply and demand analysis ENPEP. Specifically, CEEESA was asked to analyze the potential for expanding electricity ties with Argentina and Brazil and developing a new natural gas infrastructure. CEEESA collaborated with several Uruguayan institutions, including the presidential planning office and oil, gas, and electric companies.

For more information, contact CEEESA.

For more information

Associated Projects

Power Systems

Energy Systems

Environmental Systems

Selected Publications

ENPEP Brochure (454 KB PDF)

Modeling the Regional Electricity Network in Southeast Europe (1.40 MB PDF)

Available Software





Related Training

ENPEP 2008 Registration

WASP-IV 2008 Registration

Training Overview

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