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Albuquerque - Official City Website

1/4 Cent Transportation Tax

Integrated Transportation

Fixing Our Streets!

Photo of Street Pot HoleOur city has accumulated a staggering backlog of road construction and maintenance needs. Traffic congestion, air pollution, and pot holes are affecting the health, safety and welfare of our citizens on a daily basis. Every year we fall further and further behind in maintaining our infrastructure and capacity to meet the needs of current residents and of future generations.

The Quarter Cent Transportation Infrastructure Tax will enhance the current street maintenance program. The Tax will also allow for street rehabilitation and completion of missing critical links in our existing road network. It is vital we protect the investment the city and taxpayers have made to date in our built community. If we fail to address these needs we only compound the problem and degrade our quality of life. As we address these issues we will also create a high quality, interconnected transit, bike and trails system to serve us effectively in the 21st Century.

Quarter Cent GraphicThe goal is to create an integrated transportation system that will improve air quality, reduce congestion, and maximize the ability of all our citizens to move about our community in a safe, efficient and cost effective way. Therefore, we must enhance our transit system to make it more reliable and provide a greater level of service during the mid-day, evening hours and on weekends. Ultimately our long range goal is a state-of-the-art mass transit system that serves the region.

Albuquerque is one of the most dynamic cities in the United States. To keep this city livable, and to maintain and enhance the quality of life we currently enjoy, we must plan and act immediately to ensure a sustainable future.

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