August 9, 2000
Contact: Ivette Torres Phone: 301-443-5052

Recovery Month 2000 Activities Set for September
Community Forums and Special Events Planned

Substance abuse treatment providers and people in recovery from alcohol and drug abuse will join forces with elected officials, policy makers, education leaders, judges, health providers, the faith community and many other sectors to celebrate the 11th observance of National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month in September. The 2000 Recovery Month theme, "Recovering Our Future: One Youth at a Time," serves as a catalyst to generate local activities highlighting the need to support and expand substance abuse treatment programs for youth.

The Recovery Month effort aims to promote the societal benefits of substance abuse treatment, laud the contributions of treatment providers and promote the message that recovery from substance abuse in all its forms is possible. The observance is coordinated by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration's (SAMHSA), Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT).

SAMHSA Administrator Nelba Chavez, Ph.D. said, "Approximately, 1.4 million young people in the U.S. are dependent on illicit drugs or alcohol. This year's Recovery Month observance is an opportunity to focus attention on the unique needs and building the capacity to deliver appropriate services to adolescents with a substance abuse problem. The materials we have developed provide the information and resources community leaders can use to launch a public education initiative."

"As we look at the challenging statistics depicting youth substance abuse trends, we must not loose sight of the need to generate community support for the millions of adolescents facing addictions," said H. Westley Clark, M.D., J.D., M.P.H. "We know that our youth respond well to treatment and that early intervention is key to preventing cyclical interactions with the juvenile justice system. Recovery Month not only allows us time to reflect on the benefits of treatment, it helps communities reduce the negative effects of stigma associated with those that seek help," he added.

Recovery Month activities will include: a kick-off event in Washington, D.C. on September 7; Community Forums throughout September in key cities; youth-targeted radio public service announcements; "Run for Recovery" a greater metropolitan Washington. D.C. 5K Run/Walk; a teleconference and Web-based activities.

A Recovery Month kit containing targeted and media outreach materials is available in hard copy or through the Recovery Month Web page, or by calling the National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information at 1-800-729-6686. The kit also contains valuable statistics and resource materials as well as contact information for the organizations and coalition partners that support and helped organize the observance.

A limited edition poster is also available. A Recovery Month event schedule is attached.

CSAT partnered with more than 50 national and local substance abuse coalitions and organizations to produce the Recovery Month materials. Principal partners include: the American Bar Association's Standing Committee on Substance Abuse, which is charged with coordinating the Community Forums activities; the Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America, which are coordinating the Recovery Month "Recovering Our Future: One Youth At A Time" Teleconference activity; and, Vanguard/ALC the organizers of the "Run for Recovery."

Federal government partners include the Drug Enforcement Administration, U.S. Department of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, National Institute on Drug Abuse, Office of National Drug Control Policy, U.S. Department of Defense, and U.S. Department of Labor.

The Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT) is a part of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). SAMHSA, a public health agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, is the lead federal agency for improving the quality and availability of substance abuse prevention, addiction treatment and mental health services in the U.S.
