2003 Flight Forecast

2003 Flight Forecast

The Atmosphere and Flight

Pilots must understand the nature of the atmosphere and its layers in order to keep their planes safely in flight. In this section, your students will learn about the factors that affect air density and flight. The following question is explored:

What effect does the density of air have on the forces of flight?

A pilot must understand the average pressure, temperature, and air density for various altitudes to keep his or her airplane in flight.

The air's density depends on its temperature, its pressure, and how much water vapor is in the air.

Pilots have to know how the plane will react in any situation. They have to know how to respond to aviation weather changes, navigate through radio communication, fly by their instruments (and not by sight), fly in controlled airspace and high traffic areas, and identify problems and make decisions on the fly.

Just as doctors study for years in school before they can operate on patients, pilots have to study flying techniques, practice in flight simulators, and learn about atmospheric sciences before they can take off in flight.

Welcome to The Atmosphere and Flight

The Atmosphere

National Science Education Content Standards
[K-4] Content Standard B: Properties of objects and materials.
[K-4] Content Standard D: Changes in earth and sky.
[K-4] Content Standard G: Science as a human endeavor.

[5-8] Content Standard B: Properties and changes of properties in matter; Transfer of energy.
[5-8] Content Standard D: Structure of the Earth system.
[5-8] Content Standard G: Science as a human endeavor.

Principles and Standards for School Mathematics
[3-5 | 6-8] Measurement Standard: Understand measurable attributes of objects and the units, systems, and processes of measurement.
[3-5 | 6-8] Connections Standard: Recognize and apply mathematics in contexts outside of mathematics.

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