CPSC Urges Ventilation To Reduce Methylene Chloride Cancer Risk: Safety Alert

Consumer Product Safety Commission

CPSC Urges Ventilation To Reduce Methylene Chloride Cancer Risk: Safety Alert

CPSC Document #5059

The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) urges consumers to reduce their cancer risk when working with paint strippers and adhesive removers containing methylene chloride, by using the products outdoors or by ventilating the work area. Methylene chloride has been shown to cause cancer in certain laboratory animals. To properly ventilate the work area, open all windows and doors and use a fan to exhaust the air outside. Since 1987, when warning labels were required for household products containing methylene chloride, there has been a 55 percent reduction in the estimated number of cancers to be caused annually in the U.S. from these products. However, CPSC is still concerned about the potential risk to consumers who inhale high levels of fumes when using paint strippers and adhesive removers.

The CPSC staff is studying various substitutes for methylene chloride to evaluate the flammability and chronic hazards of those formulations. In addition, the Commission staff is studying current warning labels and consumer education materials and may propose revisions to them in the future, emphasizing the importance of ventilation when working with methylene chloride products.