Information for Health

Information for Health: A Strategy for Building the National Health Information Infrastructure

Report and Recommendations From the National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics

Table of Contents

Report Cover

Members of the National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics

Transmittal Letter



Staffing and Support

Executive Summary

Information for Health: A Strategy for Building the National Health Information Infrastructure (NHII)

  1. Introduction
         Background and Overview of the Report

  2. The NHII Vision in Brief
         Definition and Key Elements
         Three Dimensions: Personal Health, Healthcare Provider, and Population Health

  3. Technical and Functional Building Blocks of the NHII

  4. Contributing Activities and Prototype Programs
         Crosscutting Activities
         The Healthcare Provider Dimension
         The Population Health Dimension
         The Personal Health Dimension
         The Canadian Example
         The Leap to the NHII

  5. Leadership as the Cornerstone of Implementation
         Gaps and Barriers
         Disparate Responsibilities Create a Fragmented Environment
         Operationalizing the Recommendations
         Three Major Stages To Realize the NHII

Recommendations for the National Health Information Infrastructure From the
National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics



Appendix: Toward a National Health Information Infrastructure: Interim Report
prepared by the National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics Workgroup on the
National Health Information Infrastructure, June 2000

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