SRS logo Savannah River Site, Aluminum and Chromium Leaching Workshop
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photo of Sludge containing Aluminum and Chromium
Sludge containing Aluminum and Chromium.




Aluminum and Chromium Leaching Workshop
January 23 - 24, 2007 ● The Crowne Plaza Atlanta Airport Hotel Atlanta, Georgia

The Washington Savannah River Company (WSRC) and the Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL) are hosting an exchange of DOE-Complex experts to discuss data on the leaching chemistries for radioactive liquid waste. Each operational site (DOE-SR, DOE-ORP, and DOE-RL with operating contractors CH2M Hill Hanford Group, Inc. and Bechtel National, Inc. along with the Savannah River National Laboratory, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and other experts) will review the leaching data relative to their wastes and the technology development plans. The goal is to understand the on-going research objectives to ensure mutual benefit and reduce duplication of efforts and financial commitments.

Make your reservations today!


For More Information Contact
Bill Wilmarth at 803.725.1727

Rosalind Blocker at 803.208.0664

*Special Notice The proceedings of this workshop will be captured on video and broadcast live via an internet webcast. Participation in this event acknowledges probable appearance in this broadcast and the subsequent video/audio record which will be published in a post-workshop proceedings.


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Sponsored by the Department of Energy and Washington Savannah River Company

Last updated: January 17, 2007