Illinois State Water Survey
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Illinois State Water Survey

The Illinois State Water Survey, at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign under the Institute of Natural Resource Sustainability, is the primary agency in Illinois concerned with water and atmospheric resources.

Organizational Chart
Office of the Director
Center for Atmospheric Science
Center for Chemistry & Technology
Center for Groundwater Science
Center for Watershed Science
National Atmospheric Deposition Program
Water and Atmospheric Resources Monitoring Program
Programs & Projects
About the Water Survey, including a brief history About Us
Search the Web Site including Publications, Staff and Conferences Search
Contact Information Contacts
The Web Site of the Illinois State Water Survey Library Library
Employment opportunities at the Survey Employment
The Geographical Information Systems Home Page GIS Services
Driving Directions and a Map of how to get to the Survey Directions
Search our Publications Database from the late 1800's to the present Publications
Recent Water Survey Press Releases and Other Highlights Press Releases
Illinois Water Supply Planning Water Planning

Weather   Temp: 22° F    Winds: 9 MPH    Wind Chill: 12° F    Details & Radar
| Highlights | Staff | Data | Information | Centers | Site Map |

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