Gary Jacobs

Gary K. Jacobs

Division Director
Environmental Sciences Division
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6037
Phone:  (865)574-7374


Research Interests

Gary has always enjoyed problem solving, research, and management in the earth sciences. His strength is in being an Environmental Science Generalist, having performed fundamental and applied research in a broad range of topics using laboratory, field, computational, and theoretical methods. His formal training and experience was in high-temperature petrology and geochemistry. He has enjoyed the luxury of being able to experience many other of areas of science. Throughout his career at ORNL he has applied his expertise in geochemistry to (1) carbon sequestration R&D, (2) subsurface science, (3) in situ remediation science and technology, and (4) research on high-level radioactive waste disposal. He now enjoys the challenge of assimilating new knowledge across a broad spectrum of environmental science (e.g., atmospheric science, ecology, microbiology, and societal-technology interactions).

Gary serves as the point-of-contact for ORNL research under the following research programs of the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Biological and Environmental Research:

Climate Change Research:

Environmental Remediation Sciences:



Ph.D., Geochemistry, The Pennsylvania State University, 1981
Dissertation: Experimental and Thermodynamic Analysis of Metamorphic Devolatilization Equilibria in
H2O-CO2-CH4-NaCl Fluids at Elevated Pressures and Temperatures

B.A., Geology, The University of Vermont, with Honors, 1976
Honors Thesis: Geochemistry and Emplacement of a Metagabbroic Sheeted-Dike and Sill Complex in Lowell, Vermont


Selected Publications & Presentations

Carbon Sequestration

Fate and Transport Geochemistry

In Situ Vitrification

High-Level Radioactive Waste

High-Temperature Petrology

Professional Activities


Professional Development

Workshops Co-Organized