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Important Messages

Partial FMS 224: Mandatory GOALS II Conversion

The GovernmentWide Accounting Modernization Project (GWAMP) is converting all FMS 224 users from the current GOALS II system to the GWAMP Partial FMS 224 as a GWA non-reporter. This process will be in two phases beginning June 2008 and must be completed by September 2008 for the August 2008 accounting period. The Chief Financial Officer and Certifying Officers will be notified as to when their Agency Location Code (ALC) will need to report using Partial FMS 224.

No development changes are required by GWAMP, and no secure id card is needed to access Partial FMS 224, simply log onto You will prepare your FMS 224 the same way you do today, the only difference is you will log onto a secure website.

We will provide you with a Partial FMS 224 user enrollment date. Please do not begin enrolling for access to Partial FMS 224 until you are notified.

Hands-on training will be provided at the following locations: Denver May 6th and 7th; Hyattsville May 14th and 15th; Dallas June 10th and 11th and Kansas City June 18th and 19th. Registration is available on-line; please go to to enroll. Also, an Online Tutorial will be made available beginning mid-May.

Questions or Comments regarding the FMS 224 Conversion, please contact Sheila Higgs at 202-874-8196
Email: Sheila Higgs or
Eugenia Savoy at 202-874-8209
Email: Eugenia Savoy.

January 17, 2008 - User Recertification

The Financial Management Service (FMS) is required to perform a re-certification of all our system users to ensure that only authorized users are accessing the systems and that their level of access is appropriate. This year's re-certification for GOALS II & GWA covers the period of January 1 - December 31, 2008 and must be completed by February 29, 2008. FMS will begin removing users' access to the GOALS II and GWA applications for those organizations that have not performed their re-certification audit by February 29, 2008. The recertification process and procedures will be emailed to your Certifying Official and/or Supervisor within the next week. If you have any questions, please contact Federal Reserve Bank (FRB) of St. Louis - Treasury Support Center (TSC) at 877-440-9476.

Thank you for attending the Governmentwide Accounting Modernization Project (GWAMP) Day. In an effort to accommodate agencies who were unable to attend, we will host another forum this summer. We will update our "Training and Events" section when we have further details.

To receive notifications about GWAMP information, training, conferences, and policies, please sign up to be a GWA Subscriber. Otherwise, check our website regularly for detailed information.

Rules of Behavior

As of March 27, 2007 all users will be required to accept the new Rules of Behavior and to possibly answer new secondary authentication questions upon logging into the GWA application. Please remember the answers to these questions as they are used to reset your password. If you have questions, please contact the GWA Help Desk at 202-874-8270. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

February 27, 2007 Reporting a Security Weakness

If users at any time become aware of a security weakness or vulnerability that poses a threat, or appears to pose a threat, to GWA or GOALS systems, it should be reported by sending an e-mail to the FMShelpdesk and/or the or by calling(202) 874-4357 or (202) 874-8270.

February 26, 2007 Discontinue Using RFC Agency Link Component:

Effective June 30, 2007, FMS will permanently discontinue the use of the RFC Agency Link Reporting Component within the GOALS II / IAS application and will replace these reports with the Governmentwide Accounting (GWA) Treasury Disbursing Office (TDO) Support Listings Reporting Component. For audit purposes, information from April 1, 2006 through June 30, 2007 will be available on the existing RFC Agency Link Reports via GOALS II / IAS through September 30, 2007. This data will also be available through the new RFC Payment Support Listings.

For July 2007 and future accounting periods, Federal Program Agencies (FPAs) should use the GWA TDO Support Listings Component to obtain all RFC Payment information.

The Financial Management Service (FMS) is required to perform a re-certification of all our system users to ensure that only authorized users are accessing the systems and that their level of access is appropriate. This year's re-certification for GOALS II covers the period of January 1 - December 31, 2007 and must be completed by January 31, 2007.

On February 12, 2007, FMS will begin removing user access to the GOALS II applications for those organizations that have not performed their re-certification audit. In addition, we are reminding users, whose accesses have been renewed, to log into the system every 90 days to keep their accounts in an active status.

Each agency has designated a Certifying Officer and your Certifying Officer has been notified as of January 8th that you must be re-certified. If you have any questions, please contact Gwen Bryant-Hill on 202 874-9142 or via E-mail at or Tajuan Brown on 202-874-3839 or via E-mail

   Last Updated:  Wednesday March 26, 2008

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