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PCMDI > Projects > Model Testbed Printer Friendly Version

CAPT: The CCPP-ARM Parameterization Testbed
CAPT is a joint project of the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) and Climate Change Prediction Programs (CCPP) of the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Science/Biological and Energy Research (BER).  We are using analyses of global weather from numerical weather prediction (NWP) centers,  in conjunction with field observations such as those provided by ARM, to evaluate parameterizations of sub-gridscale processes in global climate models.  Simply stated, we run realistically initialized climate models in forecast mode to determine their initial drift from the NWP analyse and/or from the available field data , thereby gaining insights on model parameterization deficiencies.

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Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory  |  Energy & Environment Directorate