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Antenna Structure Registration
Antenna Structure Registration

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ASR Number

Why do I need to put latitude/longitude information on the second location site if I have a tower registration number? Why can't I just put the Antenna Structure Registration number and have the system pull the information?

ULS is programmed to pull Antenna Structure Registration (ASR) information for transmit locations only. Since the FCC required only coordinates and AMSL for receive locations, programming was not included to pull ASR information for receivers.

How do I change the ASR number if it is grayed out on the screen?

When filing electronically, ULS will gray out fields that you cannot answer based on the type of filing or previous data entries. When a transmitter location is chosen for modification, ULS will allow data entry in the ASR number field if an ASR number is already present for that location. If there is no ASR number for that location, the field will be grayed out until you specify that the site has a registered antenna structure.

What happens if the registration number I supply is invalid, or I make a typo?

ULS will tell you if the number provided is invalid, and, consequently, it will not pre-fill any data. If you make a typo and accidentally enter a valid number, then ULS will pre-fill data for the number that you entered. At that point, you should realize that it is the wrong structure and then can change the registration number.

If instead of providing a registration number I answer "N/A" (i.e., registration is not required), then what does ULS do?

Generally, registration is not required for antenna structures less than 60.96 meters (200 feet) above the ground that are far from public-use airports. The registration criteria are described in detail on the FCC's website at http://www.fcc.gov/wtb/antenna. If registration is not required for the Location in question, then you should select "N/A," provide the other Location data requested by the form (e.g., coordinates, elevation, height above ground) and hit "Save." ULS will then make sure that the structure is not more than 60.96 meters (200 feet) above ground and-using the TOWAIR software-make sure that the structure does not exceed the slope (defined in Part 17 of our Rules) extending from nearby public-use airports. If the data passes both of these tests, then the Location data will be saved and is then ready for submission to the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau.

If the Location data fails either of the tests described above, then ULS will provide a descriptive error message when you try to submit the application. If you get an error message, then your only option is to hit the "Return" button. The application may not be submitted until you either change the data or provide additional information regarding your "N/A" response.

Specifically, 47 C.F.R. § 17.14 provides three exceptions to the registration requirements such that-even though a structure may fail one of the tests above-registration is not required. These exceptions are "shielding," the "twenty-foot rule," and "fixed by function" at an airport. Note that ULS will generally be able to verify the "twenty-foot rule" scenarios online based on the structure type and height information provided, and therefore will usually not return an error message. As long as you do not get an error message, there is no need for you to go through the procedure below, which describes how to file an application that claims one of these exceptions.

For example, suppose that you want to claim shielding of a structure that is well over 60.96 meters (200 feet) above ground because it is close to several buildings that are much taller than the antenna structure itself. Submit the Location data and click on the "Attachments" button at the bottom of the screen to upload a showing (i.e., a brief) that supports your claim of exception. Choose Attachment Type = "T-47 C.F.R. 17.14." Then upload the showing. Note that the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau's staff will review each showing of this type, and, if the application is defective, the staff will dismiss the application.

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Clearance Check

What is the purpose of the new automated antenna structure clearance check?

The Wireless Telecommunications Bureau (WTB) is responsible for ensuring that antenna structures do not become a hazard to air navigation. It carries out this responsibility by

  1. checking whether FAA notification and FCC registration is required for each antenna structure prior to authorizing wireless operation from the site and
  2. making sure each license application is consistent with the location and height as registered.

Therefore, if the FCC requires registration, WTB will not allow an application to be filed without a valid registration number, unless, of course, it is accompanied by a request for a waiver.

All towers that do not meet the glide slope and are over 60.96 meters (200 feet) require an FCC Form 854. Is there a software program or person whom I can contact to verify tower registrations and/or whether these towers require FAA filing for glide slope?

You have several tools at your disposal to consider whether an application will be "cleared" with respect to antenna registration.

  1. You may determine if registration is necessary by using TOWAIR from the Antenna System Registration's (ASR's) Internet website at http://www.fcc.gov/wtb/antenna.
  2. You may download the WTB's licensing databases to verify existing tower specifications.
  3. You may use ULS to review tower specifications in your current licenses at http://www.fcc.gov/wtb/uls.

Is there a software program or person whom coordinators can contact to verify tower registrations and/or whether they require FAA filing for glide slope?

Both applicants and coordinators have several tools to use to discern whether an application will be "cleared" with respect to antenna registration. Either applicants or coordinators may

  • determine if registration is necessary by using the TOWAIR software;
  • download and use the FCC's free Antenna Registration software;
  • download the FCC's licensing databases to verify existing tower specifications; or
  • use ULS to review tower specifications in their current licenses.

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Once I file a Form 854 to register a proposed tower, how long do I have to construct it?

According to FCC rules, there is no time period in which to construct a tower after registration; however, you need to construct before the FAA study expires. Once a tower is constructed, you must notify FCC of construction within 24 hours.

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ULS asks me to round up coordinates when I file with ASR. When I tried to search the ASR, I could not find registration number with the rounded coordinates. Instead, I found it under the FAA coordinates. Why does this problem occur?

To evaluate this situation, we need the specific file numbers for the registration in question. In general, the antenna structure registrations are issued at the coordinates specified by the user. When searching for a specific structure, we recommend that you use a point radius search around a set of coordinates or search by the FAA study number, rather than looking for exact coordinates.

Coordinates were rounded to the nearest tenth on an application. I received an error message that stated that the coordinates varied by more than one second and therefore would not allow me to enter the application. I entered the coordinates that were in the ASR database, and the coordinates did not vary by more than one second, contrary to what ULS indicated. Later, I was able to amend the application to change the coordinates. What caused this situation?

Please provide us with the file numbers to allow the ULS Task Force to further research this problem.

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Why does ULS give me an "Issue Date" or "Latitude/Longitude" error on my Form 854 application?

When processing Form 854, the database will compare the coordinates, study number, heights, and date that the study was issued to the information in the FAA database. If the coordinates are in error by more than 0.3 seconds or if the issue date is not matching, then the program will give an error message that states the latitude/longitude and/or issue date do(es) not match.

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FAA Database

I understand that for certain antenna structures I must provide an FCC Antenna Registration Number when I file a license application. However, I do not know whether an FAA study has been completed for the structure where I intend to locate the antenna. Is there a database that contains this information?

FAA records are posted under "Downloads" on the ASR homepage. Or you can contact the Licensing Support hotline (888-225-5322, option 2) and a representative can verify this information for you.

    NOTE: To resolve this situation, you have a number of options. For example, you can get the owner to register the structure properly by helping her with the administrative details. You can also notify the FCC's Enforcement Division formally or informally in regard to the owner's failure to comply with the requirements of 47 CFR Part 17.

TOWAIR determines whether structures less than 60.96 meters (200 feet) above ground require registration. What information do I need when I run TOWAIR? Does height information have to be in meters or feet?

To use TOWAIR, you must supply the coordinates of the site, the site elevation, and the overall height of the structure. The software allows you to enter data in feet or in meters.

The FCC maintains database files (in "zip" format) on its Internet website for its licensing databases, as well as the Antenna Structure Registration (ASR) database. How frequently are the zip files updated? How often does the FCC update the list of airports, which is required to run TOWAIR?

License and registration zip files are updated weekly. The FAA updates the airport data, which is used by TOWAIR, approximately every fifty-six (56) days.

Where do I obtain the most accurate tower registration information if we cannot obtain this information from the owner?

According to 47 CFR § 17.4(f), owners are required to provide a copy of the antenna registration (FCC Form 854-R) to you and every other tenant licensee immediately upon registration. Information regarding antenna structures registered with the FCC is available in "zip" files that you can download from the Internet at http://www.fcc.gov/wtb under the heading "WTB Database Files." Also, the FCC's Licensing Support (888-CALL-FCC, select option 2 after recording) is a resource to verify whether a structure is registered.

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Why can't I file modifications to a tower until it is constructed?

In cases where you want to modify a registration prior to the construction of a tower, you need to cancel the current registration and file a new one, which reflects the modified data. The FCC put this restriction in place to promote air safety by ensuring that a notice of construction can be filed only against the approved registration record. The ULS Task Force will re-evaluate this restriction.

If the ASR number in the ASR database does not come up on the application when filing a modification, what should I do?

You should add the ASR number to your license record at the time of modification if the antenna structure being used is registered.

What if I disagree with the Location data pre-filled by ULS?

As a threshold matter, the data pre-filled by ULS is supplied in real-time from our Antenna Structure Registration (ASR) database. The owner of the structure provided this data via FCC Form 854, and the owner is required to provide you (as a tenant licensee) a copy of the registration. You can verify registration information on the Internet at http://www.fcc.gov/wtb/antenna.

Furthermore, the structure in question was registered with the FCC in concurrence with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) determination of no hazard issued to the structure. As a result, the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau will not generally approve construction of facilities that exceed the parameters approved by the FAA.

What if I surveyed the site myself and believe that the data supplied by the owner is incorrect, yet I must file my application today (i.e., I have no time to work with the owner to resolve the situation)?

We recommend that you resolve this issue directly with the owner well in advance so that the registration database (and consequently the pre-filled data) represents the true Location data. The owner may modify information and correct the problem quickly online using our new Antenna Structure Registration (ASR) system to file an application electronically. However, we realize that in some circumstances, a new Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) determination may be required (e.g., the site coordinates are off by more than one second). In this situation, then, the FCC has provided a means to submit the application, even though ULS realizes that we cannot clear the tower online.

To file an application even though the Location data is inconsistent with the FCC's registration database, answer "Yes" to the waiver question on the first tab of Form 601 and submit an attachment that requests a waiver of the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau's Unified Dismissal Policy. Be sure to justify your request. Then, when you go back to the Location tab, supply the registration number and edit the pre-filled data. (ULS will give you the same error message but now will give you the option to "Continue" and save the Location data.) Requesting a waiver will allow you to file the application and obtain a receipt date. Please note, however, that unless the waiver request is granted, your application will be dismissed.

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I received a letter stating that my antenna information on the application does not match the FAA determination. How do I correct this problem?

You first need to determine whether the application information is correct or if the antenna registration is correct. If the application information is correct, then you first need to modify the ASR information and then to submit an amendment application with an attachment stating that ASR has been corrected. If application information is incorrect, then you only need to submit an amendment application correcting the data.

The Antenna Structure Registration (ASR) system has granted my application, but I have no registration number. What should I do?

Perform an ASR Search by address or some other field. You must look at the second tab (Results: Registrations) on the Search page to see the registered information. The first tab (Results: Applications) shows only the applications filed.

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Towers that are shielded did not require registration. I responded to a letter that was sent out from ITD during the Summer of 2000, which indicated that the tower was shielded, but my application was returned for not having a registration number. Is there any way to indicate in ULS that the tower is shielded and to prevent this type of return?

The ITD letter that we sent to you was part of a follow-up effort to identify towers that appeared to require registration with the FCC by July 1, 1998, based upon our licensing records. This letter was an enforcement initiative independent of conversion of the antenna registration database to ULS. For antenna structures that are shielded and that do not require registration as specified in 47 C.F.R § 17.14, you need to submit a Section 17.14 attachment with each license application filed that proposes to use the shielded antenna structure. The attachment must describe the specific situation and detail the reason that the antenna structure does not need registration. The only way to indicate that a tower is shielded is to place it in the record (i.e., to register it). Because shielded towers are exempt from the registration requirement, the FCC will not have a record of it in the ASR files unless the owner elects to register the shielded tower.

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How do I handle a dismissal for lack of a signature on an interactive application?

You are not able to submit an application interactively without a signature. If you receive a dismissal of an interactive filed application for no signature, then contact Technical Support at 202-414-1250.

NOTE: The FCC notes a situation where an applicant filed an ASR application electronically, but she also attached a paper copy to her license application for the site. The Gettysburg staff attempted to process the paper application but dismissed it due to lack of a valid signature. Thus, two applications existed for the same site-a granted application filed electronically and a dismissed application filed manually (i.e., by paper). Because the applicant did not realize that her paper attachment had been processed, she believed that her electronic registration had been dismissed for lack of a signature. To avoid this situation, applicants should reference only the ASR number on licensing applications and not attach a paper copy of Form 854.

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TIN Registration

When I submit a new ASR registration and I get the registration number back, ULS does not automatically update the TIN registration. Is there a way that this update can be done?

If you are filing the application in ULS, then there is no reason to update TIN registration. TIN registration is used to associate pre-existing call signs or ASR numbers with a TIN during conversion to ULS.

When do I update the TIN call sign ASR registration?

You need to associate your TIN with a call sign or ASR number that is not currently associated with a TIN. If the call sign or ASR number was issued through ULS, then it will be associated with the TIN. There is no need to update the record.

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Tech Support

Is ASR filing going to be available via the Internet as well? Is it on the same schedule as the other filings? Why does ASR run so slowly, and what improvements can we expect to see?

Internet filing has been available since April 29, 2000. Because applicants have noted that the ASR system is particularly slow, the improvements to this system will primarily be technical in nature and will focus on decreasing the time it takes to file ASR applications.

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Tower Owner

A company has filed a Form 854 claiming ownership of a tower, but it is not the owner. How can this situation be corrected?

When an ownership change for a tower is granted, the previous owner will receive a notification from the FCC. This notification will instruct the previous owner to send correspondence if he/she believes that the ownership change to be in error.

I want to do an ownership change in the Antenna Structure Registration (ASR) system. Who should log in, the previous owner or the new owner?

The new owner should log in to start the process of the ownership change.

If a tower owner is unwilling or unable to register a structure, then how should I as a licensee go about filing an application that involves the site? Would the FCC grant a Special Temporary Authorization (STA) if there were to be a delay that is caused by the owner's failure to register in a timely manner?

During the period from July 1996-July 1998, the FCC required that all pre-existing antenna structures-for which FAA notification of proposed construction is required-be registered with the FCC. The owner is responsible for registering the structure and providing a copy of the registration to all tenant licensees. (NOTE: To register the structure with the FCC, the owner must provide a FAA determination of "No Hazard.") The FCC also requires that the owner register newly built structures prior to construction. When locating on an existing structure, you should be able to provide registration information (if the owner is in compliance). In cases where the owner is unable or unwilling to provide registration information, you may request a waiver of the instant dismissal policy.

If registration is required for a structure, then you as a licensee must provide a valid registration number or request waiver of the instant dismissal policy. Waiver requests and STA requests will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. It is unlikely, however, that the FCC would authorize operation from a structure that requires registration if you cannot provide a determination of "No Hazard" as issued by the FAA.

    NOTE: To resolve this situation, you have a number of options. For example, you can get the owner to register the structure properly by helping her with the administrative details. You can also notify the FCC's Enforcement Division formally or informally in regard to the owner's failure to comply with the requirements of 47 CFR Part 17.

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Last reviewed/updated on 8/28/01.

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For more information pertaining to ULS, please contact Tech Support at (202) 414-1250 or e-mail questions to ulscomm@fcc.gov.

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