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Scientific Data Documentation
NIOSH Group Codes

DSN: Datasets mentioned in this documentation are not available on the CDC Mainframe.


 This document was prepared for online/front end introductory information to
 the NIOSH Mortality/Population Data system on WONDER.

Description of the NIOSH Compressed Mortality File

 The NIOSH Compressed Mortality File is a county level national mortality
 dataset which spans the years 1960-1989.  Since complete race data was not
 available prior to 1970, records from 1960-1969 contain data for only two race
 groups (white, nonwhite) whereas the records for 1970-1989 contain data for
 three racial groups (white, black, other).  Each record summmerizes data for
 a five year calendar period (1960-1964, 1965-1969,..., 1985-1989).  Each
 record is further broken down into five year age groups (15-19, 20-24,...,
 80-84, 85+) by race, sex, and NIOSH's 92 categories of death (See Table of
 Contents - NIOSH Death Categories: Int'l Classification of Disease Groupings).
 The NIOSH Compressed Mortality File was created from the 1960-61 datasets
 previously acquired by NIOSH from NCHS and 1962-1987 NCHS datasets stored on
 CDC's mainframe computer as CC36.RSMORTXX, where XX represents the year.  All
 foreigners and age not stated have been removed from the mortality (numerator)
 dataset.  Deaths are categorized by state/county of residence at time of

Description of the NIOSH Compressed Population File

 The NIOSH Compressed Population file is a county level national population
 dataset spanning the years 1960-1989 processed into similar race and age
 groups derived from annual estimates for each U.S. county.  The 1960-1969
 data was acquired from Dr. Wilson Riggins, EPA.  This is updated data used in
 the preparation of the combined EPA and NCI publication, U.S. Cancer Mortality
 Rates and Trends, 1950-1979.  The 1970-1979, 1980-1989 data is stored on CDC's
 mainframe computer as CC36.INTERCEN.Y7080 and CC36.DEMODETL.CTY8089,
 respectively, and may be accessed through the WONDER system.  The file
 consists of 18,552 records with LRECL=457, each record contains 90 population
 counts.  The total number of population counts (data points) for the entire
 file equals 1,669,680.


 The rate activity exists to create national, state, county, and special rate
 files for use in NIOSH's Life Table Analysis System (LTAS).  The state
 and county rates generated by the NIOSH Mortality/Population Data WONDER
 system are saved as OS datasets for use elsewhere.

General Information

 ICD codes have been grouped into 92 categories of death (see NIOSH structure
 file) using the same categories as the NIOSH Life Table Analysis System (See
 reference 5).

 For data format Variables and their Categories.

 A.  Year codes:  Five year calendar periods starting from 1960.

 B.  State codes:  Typical FIPS state codes were used.

 C.  County codes:  Slightly modified FIPS county codes were used.  Since the
     data started before 1968 (the year FIPS codes were established) a few
     counties which existed prior to and not after 1968 were considered.
     Additionally, numerator data in four Texas counties (Hardeman, Hardin,
     Rockwall, Runnels) were partially estimated for the period 1960-1964.

  D.  Sex:  1-male, 2-female.

  E.  Age:  Ages 14 and under and not stated are excluded.

  F.  Race:  Entries coded as white were used as white, entires coded as black
      were used as black, all other entries were used as other.  New Jersey did
      not code race in 1962 or 1963, so the New Jersey deaths which occurred in
      1962 were replaced with the New Jersey deaths from 1961.  The New Jersey
      deaths occurring in 1963 were replaced with the New Jersey deaths from


Record layout

Mortality data (numerator) layout

             Position in record        Contents and Summary
             ------------------        --------------------
                   1 - 2               Year (Codes 01-06)

                   3 - 4               State (FIPS state codes)

                   5 - 7               County (Modified FIPS county codes)

                   8 - 9               Underylying Cause of Death (One of 92
                                       deaths codes)

                  10 - 84              White males (Occurs 15 times - one for
                                       each age group; PIC S9(8) COMP-3)

                  85 - 159             White females (Occurs 15 times - one
                                       for each age group; PIC S9(8) COMP-3)

                 160 - 234             Black males (Occurs 15 times - one for
                                       each age group; PIC S9(8) COMP-3)

                 235 - 309             Black females (Occurs 15 times - one
                                       for each age group; PIC S9(8) COMP-3)

                 310 - 384             Other males (Occurs 15 times - one for
                                       each age group; PIC S9(8) COMP-3)

                 385 - 459             Other females (Occurs 15 times - one
                                       for each age group; PIC S9(8) COMP-3)
Population data (denominator) layout

             Position in record        Contents and Summary
             ------------------        --------------------
                   1 - 2               Year (Codes 01-06)

                   3 - 4               State (FIPS state codes)

                   5 - 7               County (Modified FIPS county codes)

                   8 - 82              White males (Occurs 15 times - one for
                                       each age group; PIC S9(8) COMP-3)

                  83 - 157             White females (Occurs 15 times - one
                                       for each age group; PIC S9(8) COMP-3)

                 158 - 232             Black males (Occurs 15 times - one for
                                       each age group; PIC S9(8) COMP-3)

                 233 - 307             Black females (Occurs 15 times - one
                                       for each age group; PIC S9(8) COMP-3)

                 308 - 382             Other males (Occurs 15 times - one for
                                       each age group; PIC S9(8) COMP-3)

                 383 - 457             Other females (Occurs 15 times - one
                                       for each age group; PIC S9(8) COMP-3)

LTAS Record Layout

Rates for use in SMR analysis

 When LTAS is selected on the main WONDER screen and "RATE" is selected on
 the next screen a dataset is created under the user's ID.

 Dataset name is:  aaaa.RATE.FIPbbccc.LTAS.DATA

                  aaaa  -   your CDC user ID
                  bb    -   FIPS state code
                  ccc   -   FIPS county code

 Record Layout:

      Position in record       Description
      ------------------       ------------
              1                Sex  -  1, male   2, female

              2                Race -  1, white  2, nonwhite

              3-4              Age Category - 1, 15-19    9, 55-59
                                              2, 20-24   10, 60-64
                                              3, 25-29   11, 65-69
                                              4, 30-34   12, 70-74
                                              5, 35-39   13, 75-79
                                              6, 40-44   14, 80-84
                                              7, 45-49   15, 85+
                                              8, 50-54

              5-6              Calendar Period - 01, 1940-1944
                                                 02, 1945-1949
                                                 03, 1950-1954
                                                 04, 1955-1959
                                                 05, 1960-1964
                                                 06, 1965-1969
                                                 07, 1970-1974
                                                 08, 1975-1979
                                                 09, 1980-1984
                                                 10, 1985-1989

              7-466            Death Rate Categories
                               Occurs 92 times PIC V9(9) COMP-3

            467-506            Contains zeroes occurs 8 times PIC V9(9) COMP-3

 NOTE:  The dataset created is formatted to be compatible with NIOSH's Life
 Table Analysis System (LTAS).  The calendar periods 01-04 contain zeroes
 since machine readable county level data for 1940-1959 is not available or
 contained in the compressed NIOSH Mortality/Population files.  The dataset
 created will have 600 records.  When using the WONDER NIOSH Mortality/
 Population Data, the only options on the main WONDER screen available (having
 an effect on the dataset) to the user is the state/county selections (up to
 10).  The sex, age, calendar periods, and death rate categories are fixed.

Rates for use in PMR analysis

 When LTAS is selected on the main WONDER screen and "PROPORTION" is
 selected on the next screen a dataset is created under the user's ID.

 Dataset name is:  aaaa.PROP.FIPbbccc.LTAS.DATA

                  aaaa  -   your CDC user ID
                  bb    -   FIPS state code
                  ccc   -   FIPS county code

 Record Layout:

      Position in record       Description
      ------------------       ------------
              1                Sex  -  1, male   2, female

              2                Race -  1, white  2, nonwhite

              3-4              Age Category - 1, 15-19    9, 55-59
                                              2, 20-24   10, 60-64
                                              3, 25-29   11, 65-69
                                              4, 30-34   12, 70-74
                                              5, 35-39   13, 75-79
                                              6, 40-44   14, 80-84
                                              7, 45-49   15, 85+
                                              8, 50-54

              5-6              Calendar Period - 01, 1940-1944
                                                 02, 1945-1949
                                                 03, 1950-1954
                                                 04, 1955-1959
                                                 05, 1960-1964
                                                 06, 1965-1969
                                                 07, 1970-1974
                                                 08, 1975-1979
                                                 09, 1980-1984
                                                         10, 1985-1989

              7-466            Death Rate Categories
                               Occurs 92 times PIC V9(9) COMP-3

            467-506            Contains zeroes occurs 8 times PIC V9(9) COMP-3

 NOTE:  The dataset created is formatted to be compatible with NIOSH's Life
 Table Analysis System (LTAS).  The calendar periods 01-04 contain zeroes since
 machine readable county level data for 1940-1959 is not available or contained
 in the compressed NIOSH Mortality/Population files.  The dataset contains 6600
 records. When using the WONDER NIOSH Mortality/Population Data, the only
 options on the main WONDER screen available (having an effect on the dataset)
 to the user is the state/county selections (up to 10).  The sex, age, calendar
 periods, and death rate categories are fixed.


 When LTAS is selected on the main WONDER screen and "NUMERATOR" is
 selected on the next screen a dataset is created under the user's ID.

 Dataset name is:  aaaa.NUM.FIPbbccc.LTAS.DATA

                  aaaa  -   your CDC user ID
                  bb    -   FIPS state code
                  ccc   -   FIPS county code

 Record Layout:

      Position in record       Description
      ------------------       ------------
              1                Sex  -  1, male   2, female

              2                Race -  1, white  2, nonwhite

              3-4              Age Category - 1, 15-19    9, 55-59
                                              2, 20-24   10, 60-64
                                              3, 25-29   11, 65-69
                                              4, 30-34   12, 70-74
                                              5, 35-39   13, 75-79
                                              6, 40-44   14, 80-84
                                              7, 45-49   15, 85+
                                              8, 50-54

              5-6              Calendar Period - 01, 1940-1944
                                                 02, 1945-1949
                                                 03, 1950-1954
                                                 04, 1955-1959
                                                 05, 1960-1964
                                                 06, 1965-1969
                                                 07, 1970-1974
                                                 08, 1975-1979
                                                 09, 1980-1984
                                                 10, 1985-1989

              7-466            Death Categories
                               Occurs 92 times PIC 9(9) COMP-3

            467-506            Contains zeroes occurs 8 times PIC 9(9) COMP-3

 NOTE:  The calendar periods 01-04 contain zeroes since machine readable
 county level data for 1940-1959 is not available or contained in the
 compressed NIOSH Mortality/Population files.  The dataset created contains 600
 records.  When using the WONDER NIOSH Mortality/Population Data, the only
 options on the main WONDER screen available (having an effect on the dataset)
 to the user is the state/county selections (up to 10).  The sex, age, calendar
 periods, and death categories are fixed.


 When LTAS is selected on the main WONDER screen and "DENOMINATOR" is
 selected on the next screen a dataset is created under the user's ID.

 Dataset name is:  aaaa.DENO.FIPbbccc.LTAS.DATA

                  aaaa  -   your CDC user ID
                  bb    -   FIPS state code
                  ccc   -   FIPS county code

 Record Layout:

      Position in record       Description
      ------------------       ------------
              1                Sex  -  1, male   2, female

              2                Race -  1, white  2, nonwhite

              3-4              Age Category - 1, 15-19    9, 55-59
                                              2, 20-24   10, 60-64
                                              3, 25-29   11, 65-69
                                              4, 30-34   12, 70-74
                                              5, 35-39   13, 75-79
                                              6, 40-44   14, 80-84
                                              7, 45-49   15, 85+
                                              8, 50-54

              5-6              Calendar Period - 01, 1940-1944
                                                 02, 1945-1949
                                                 03, 1950-1954
                                                 04, 1955-1959
                                                 05, 1960-1964
                                                 06, 1965-1969
                                                 07, 1970-1974
                                                 08, 1975-1979
                                                 09, 1980-1984
                                                 10, 1985-1989

              7-11             Population figure
                               Occurs 1 time PIC 9(9) COMP-3

             12-506            Contains zeroes occurs 99 times PIC 9(9) COMP-3

 NOTE:   The dataset created contains 360 records.  When using the WONDER
 NIOSH Mortality/Population Data, the only options on the main WONDER screen
 available (having an effect on the dataset) to the user is the state/county
 selections (up to 10).  The sex, age, and calendar periods are fixed.

Death counts

        YEARS                RECORDS            DEATHS
        -----                -------            ------
        60-64                204,166             8,084,756
        65-69                213,078             8,827,820
        70-74                204,550             9,270,816
        70-79                208,293             9,198,623
        80-84                207,403             9,698,828
        85-89                186,972            10,282,815

Population counts

        YEARS                RECORDS          LIVES
        -----                -------          -----
        60-64                  3,062          642,234,935
        65-69                  3,062          696,772,138
        70-74                  3,107          760,898,598
        75-79                  3,107          835,617,593
        80-84                  3,107          901,871,676
        85-89                  3,107          953,868,827


 In the years 1960-1969 there are 3062 counties/independent cities.  The
 1970's and 1980's have 3107.  The restrictions placed on these mostly came
 from the population data that was available during processing (Fall 1990).
Modification of FIPS/NCHS codes

General Information

 Slight changes were made to county FIPS codes since data prior to 1968
 was used.

Area Recodes and Combination of Counties

 Due to the difference in the availability of county level data for numerators
 (NCHS data) and denominators (CENSUS data) some combining of
 counties/independent cities was necessary.  No Alaska counties are available.
 In other cases counties had to be combined for some years.  Table I lists
 counties which can be accessed on WONDER and the other counties included
 with listed county.
Table I.  Counties Combined

                  County listed                Other counties included with
                  on WONDER                     listed county

 Year  State      County       FIPS Code       County              FIPS Code
 ----- -----      ------       ---------       ------              ---------
 60-69 Colorado   Denver         08031         Arapahoe              08005

 60-69 Georgia    Muscogee       13215         Chattahochee          13053

 60-87 Hawaii     Maui           15009         Kalawao               15005

 60-69 Idaho      Fremont        16043         Yellowstone Natl Park *UNKNOWN

 60-69 Montana    Park           30067         Yellowstone Natl Park 30113

 82-87 New Mexico Valencia       35061         Cibola                35006

 60-87 New York   New York       36061         Bronx                 35005
                                               Kings                 36047
                                               Queens                36081
                                               Richmond              36085

 60-69 South      Jackson        46071         Washabaugh            46131

 60-69 Virginia   Albemarle      51003         Charlottesville City  51540

 60-69            Alleghany      51005         Clifton Forge City    51560
                                               Covington City        51580

 60-69            Arlington      51013         Falls Church City     51610

 60-69            Augusta        51015         Staunton City         51790
                                               Waynesboro City       51820

 60-69            Bedford        51019         Campbell              51031
                                               Lynchburg City        51680
                                               Bedford City          51515

 60-69            Carroll        51035         Galax City            51640
                                               Grayson               51077

 60-69            Chesterfield   51041         Richmond City         51760
                                               Colonial Heights City 51570

 60-69            Dinwiddie      51053         Prince George         51149
                                               Petersburg City       51730
                                               Hopewell City         51670

 60-69            Fairfax        51059         Alexandria City       51510
                                               Fairfax City          51600

 60-69            Frederick      51069         Winchester City       51840

 60-69            Greensville    51081         Emporia City          51595

 60-69            Halifax        51083         South Boston City     51780

 60-69            Henry          51089         Martinsville City     51690

 60-69            James City     51095         York/Poquoson City  51199/51735
                                               New Kent              51127
                                               Williamsburg City     51830

 60-69            Montgomery     51121         Radford City          51750

 60-69            Pittsylvania   51143         Danville City         51590

 60-89            Prince William 51153         Manassas City         51683
                                               Manassas Park City    51685

 60-69            Roanoke        51161         Roanoke City          51770
                                               Salem City            51775

 60-69            Rockbridge     51163         Buena Vista City      51530
                                               Lexington City        51678

 60-69            Rockingham     51165         Harrisonburg City     51660

 60-69            Southhampton   51175         Franklin City         51620

 60-69            Spottsylvania  51177         Fredericksburg City   51630

 60-69            Washington     51191         Bristol City          51520

 60-69            Wise           51195         Norton City           51720

 60-69            Chesapeake
                   City          51550         Norfolk              *UNKNOWN
                                               Princess Anne        *UNKNOWN
                                               Norfolk City          51710
                                               Portsmouth City       51740
                                               South Norfolk        *UNKNOWN
                                               Virginia Beach        51810

 60-69  Wisconsin  Menominee     55078         Oconto                55083
                                               Shawano               55115

 60-69  Wyoming    Park          56029         Teton                 56039
                                               Yellowstone Natl Park 56047

 * These counties/independent city did not have FIPS codes since they did not
   exist in 1968 when FIPS codes were developed.  The NCHS codes are:

           (1) Yellowstone Natl Park, Idaho    State-13, County-45
           (2) Norfolk County, Virginia        State-73, County-64
           (3) Princess Anne County, Virginia  State-73, County-76
           (4) South Norfolk City, Virginia    State-74, County-26

    (1)  Vital Statistics Instruction Manual.  Part II,
         Coding and Punching. Section C:  Geographic
         Code-Final Births, Deaths, and Fetal Deaths
         Occurring in 1960-61
         Used for determining state and county codes for years 1960-61

    (2)  Vital Statistics Instruction Manual, Geographic
         Reference Manual (Codes Used in Computer Operations
         Effective with 1962 Data
         Used for determining state and county codes for years 1962-69

    (3)  Geographic Code Manual
         Codes Used in Computer Processing Effective with 1970 Data
         Used for determining state and county codes for years 1970-81

    (4)  Vital Statistics Geographic Code Outline Effective with the 1982
         Used for determining state and county codes for years 1982-1987

    (5)  Steenland K, Beaumont J, Spaeth S, et al.
         New Developments in the Life Table Analysis System of the National
         Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. J Occup Med.


                                         I.              II.          III.
       CATEGORY                       1950-1967       1968-1978     1979-1989
 NUMBER         TITLE                6th-& 7th Rev.     8th Rev.    9th Rev.
 01         TUBERCULOSIS

   01c     Respiratory Tuberculosis    001-008        010-012        010-012

   02      Other Tuberculosis          010-019        013-019        013-018

Malignant Neoplasms (MN) of Buccal Cavity and Pharynx

                                         I.              II.          III.
       CATEGORY                       1950-1967       1968-1978     1979-1989
 NUMBER         TITLE                6th-& 7th Rev.     8th Rev.    9th Rev.

   03      MN of Lip                   140             140            140

   04      MN of Tongue                141             141            141

   05      Mn of Other Parts of        142-144         142-145        142-145
            Buccal Cavity

   06      MN of Pharynx               145-148         146-149        146-149

MN of Digestive Organs and Peritoneum

                                         I.              II.          III.
       CATEGORY                       1950-1967       1968-1978     1979-1989
 NUMBER         TITLE                6th-& 7th Rev.     8th Rev.    9th Rev.

   07      MN of Esophagus             150             150            150

   08      MN of Stomach               151             151            151

   09      MN of Intestine Except      152-153         152-153        152-153

   10      MN of Rectum                154             154            154

   11      MN of Biliary Passages,     155             155,156       155.0,
            Liver, and Gall Bladder                                 155.1,156

   12      MN of Liver not             156A            197.8          155.2

   13      MN of Pancreas              157             157           157

   14      MN of Peritoneum            158,159         158,159       158,159
            and Other and Unspecified
            of Digestive Organs

MN of Respiratory System

                                         I.              II.          III.
       CATEGORY                       1950-1967       1968-1978     1979-1989
 NUMBER         TITLE                6th-& 7th Rev.     8th Rev.    9th Rev.

   15      MN of Larynx                161             161           161

   16      MN of Trachea, Bronchus     162,163         162           162
            and Lung

   17      MN of Other Parts of        160,164         160,163      160,
            Respiratory System                                      163-165

MN of Breast

                                         I.              II.          III.
       CATEGORY                       1950-1967       1968-1978     1979-1989
 NUMBER         TITLE                6th-& 7th Rev.     8th Rev.    9th Rev.
 05         MN OF BREAST

   18      MN of Breast                170             174           174-175

MN of Female Genital Organs

                                         I.              II.          III.
       CATEGORY                       1950-1967       1968-1978     1979-1989
 NUMBER         TITLE                6th-& 7th Rev.     8th Rev.    9th Rev.

   19      MN of Cervix Uteri          171             180           180

   20      MN of Other and             172-174        181,182    179,181,182
            Unspecified Parts of

   21      MN of Ovary, Fallopian      175             183           183
            Tube, and Broad Ligament
   22      MN of Other Female          176             184           184
            Genital Organs

MN of Male Genital Organs

                                         I.              II.          III.
       CATEGORY                       1950-1967       1968-1978     1979-1989
 NUMBER         TITLE                6th-& 7th Rev.     8th Rev.    9th Rev.

   23      MN of Prostate              177             185           185

   24      MN of Other Male Genital    178-179       172.5,173.5     186,187
            Organs                                   186,187

MN of Urinary Organs

                                         I.              II.          III.
       CATEGORY                       1950-1967       1968-1978     1979-1989
 NUMBER         TITLE                6th-& 7th Rev.     8th Rev.    9th Rev.

   25      MN of Kidney                180         189.0-189.2    189.0-189.2

   26      MN of Bladder               181           188,189.9     188
            and Urinary Organs                                    189.3-189.9

MN of Other and Unspecified Sites

                                         I.              II.          III.
       CATEGORY                       1950-1967       1968-1978     1979-1989
 NUMBER         TITLE                6th-& 7th Rev.     8th Rev.    9th Rev.

   27      MN of Skin                  190,191       172.0-172.4    172,173

   28      MN of Eye                   192           190            190

   29      MN of Brain and Other       193           191,192        191,192
            Parts of Nervous System

   30      MN of Thyroid Gland         194           193            193

   31      MN of Bone                  196           170            170

   32      MN of Connective Tissue     197           171            171
            and Soft Tissue

   33      MN of Other and             156B,165,195  194-196        194-199
            Unspecified Sites          198,199       197.0-197.7
            (Minor)                                 197.9,198,199
Neoplasms of Lymphatic and Haematopoietic Tissue

                                         I.              II.          III.
       CATEGORY                       1950-1967       1968-1978     1979-1989
 NUMBER         TITLE                6th-& 7th Rev.     8th Rev.    9th Rev.

   34      Lymphosarcoma and           200           200            200

   35      Hodgkin's Disease           201           201            201

   36      Leukemia and Aleukemia      204           204-207        204-208

   37      Other Neoplasms of          202,203       202,203        202,203
            Lymphatic and Hema-        205
            topoietic Tissue
Benign and Unspecified Nature Neoplasms

                                         I.              II.          III.
       CATEGORY                       1950-1967       1968-1978     1979-1989
 NUMBER         TITLE                6th-& 7th Rev.     8th Rev.    9th Rev.

   38      Benign Neoplasms of the     223           224,225        224,225
            Eye, Brain and Other
            Parts of Nervous System

   39      Neoplasms of Unspecified    237          238,743.4     237.5-237.9
            Nature of Eye, Brain and                              239.6-239.7
            Other Parts of Nervous

   40      Other Benign and            210-222       208           210-223
            Unspecified Nature         224-236       210-223       226-237.4
            Neoplasms                  238-239       226-237      238.0-239.5
                                                     239          239.8-239.9

Diabetes Mellitus

                                         I.              II.          III.
       CATEGORY                       1950-1967       1968-1978     1979-1989
 NUMBER         TITLE                6th-& 7th Rev.     8th Rev.    9th Rev.

   41      Diabetes Mellitus           260           250            250
Diseases of the Blood and Blood Forming Organs

                                         I.              II.          III.
       CATEGORY                       1950-1967       1968-1978     1979-1989
 NUMBER         TITLE                6th-& 7th Rev.     8th Rev.    9th Rev.

   42      Pernicious Anemias          290           281.0          281.0
                                                     281.9          281.9

   43      Anemias of Other and        291-293       280            280
            Unspecified Type                         281.1-281.4    281.1-
                                                     282-285        281.8

   44      Coagulation Defects,        296           286,287        286,287
            Purpura and Other Hemor-
            rhagic Conditions

   45      All Other Diseases of       294,295       209            288,289
            Blood Forming Organs       297-299       288,289
Mental, Psychoneurotic and Personality Disorders

                                         I.              II.          III.
       CATEGORY                       1950-1967       1968-1978     1979-1989
 NUMBER         TITLE                6th-& 7th Rev.     8th Rev.    9th Rev.

   46      Alchoholism                 322           303            303

   47      Other Mental Disorders      300-321       290-302        290-302
                                       323-326       304-315        304-319
Diseases of the Nervous System and Sense Organs

                                         I.              II.          III.
       CATEGORY                       1950-1967       1968-1978     1979-1989
 NUMBER         TITLE                6th-& 7th Rev.     8th Rev.    9th Rev.

   48      Multiple Sclerosis          345           340            340

   49      Other Diseases of the       340-344       320-333        320-337
            Nervous System and         350-398       341-389        341-389
            Sense Organs
Diseases of the Heart

                                         I.              II.          III.
       CATEGORY                       1950-1967       1968-1978     1979-1989
 NUMBER         TITLE                6th-& 7th Rev.     8th Rev.    9th Rev.

   50      Rheumatic Heart Disease,    400-402       390-398        390-398
            Including Fever            410-416

   51      Ischemic Heart Disease      420           410-414        410-414

   52      Chronic Disease of          421           424            424

   53      Other Myocardial            422           428            429.0,
            Degeneration                                            429.1

   54      Hypertension with Heart     440-443       400.1,400.9    402,404
            Disease                                  402,404

   55      Other Diseases of the       430-434       420-423        420-423
            Heart                                    425-427        425-428
                                                     429          429.2-429.9
Other Diseases of Circulatory System

                                         I.              II.          III.
       CATEGORY                       1950-1967       1968-1978     1979-1989
 NUMBER         TITLE                6th-& 7th Rev.     8th Rev.    9th Rev.

   56      Hypertension without        444-447       400.0       401,403,405
            Heart Disease                            400.2,400.3

   57      Cerebrovasular Disease      330-334       430-438      430-438

   58      Diseases of the Arteries,   450-468       440-444.1    415-417
            Veins & Pulmonary                        444.3-458    440-459
Diseases of the Respiratory System

                                         I.              II.          III.
       CATEGORY                       1950-1967       1968-1978     1979-1989
 NUMBER         TITLE                6th-& 7th Rev.     8th Rev.    9th Rev.

   59      Acute Respiratory           470-475,500    460-466     460-466
            Infections Except
            Influenza and Pneumonia

   60      Influenza                   480-483       470-474      487

   61      Pneumonia (except newborn)  490-493       480-486      480-486

   62      Chronic and Unspecified     501,502       490,491      490,491

   63      Emphysema                   527.1         492          492

   64      Asthma                      241           493          493

   65      Pneumoconioses and Other    510-527.0     500-519     470-478
            Respiratory Diseases       527.2                     494-519
Diseases of the Digestive System

                                         I.              II.          III.
       CATEGORY                       1950-1967       1968-1978     1979-1989
 NUMBER         TITLE                6th-& 7th Rev.     8th Rev.    9th Rev.

   66      Diseases of the Stomach     540,541,543   531-537     531-537
            and Duodenum

   67      Hernia and Intestinal       560,561,570   550-553     550-553
            Obstruction                              560         560

   68      Cirrhosis of the Liver      581           571         571

   69      Other Diseases of           530-539,542   444.2       520-530
            Digestive System           544,545       520-530     540-543
                                       550-553       540-543     555-558
                                       571-578       561-570     562-570
                                       580,582-587   572-577     572-579
Diseases of the Genito-Urinary System

                                         I.              II.          III.
       CATEGORY                       1950-1967       1968-1978     1979-1989
 NUMBER         TITLE                6th-& 7th Rev.     8th Rev.    9th Rev.

   70      Acute Glomerulonephritis    590,591       580,581     580,581,584
            Nephrotic Syndrome and
            Acute Renal Failure

   71      Chronic and Unspecified     592-594       582-584     582,583
            Nephritis and Renal                                  585-587
            Failure and Other Renal

   72      Infection of Kidney         600           590         590

   73      Calculi of Urinary System   602,604       592,594     592,594

   74      Hyperplasia of Prostate     610           600         600

   75      Other Diseases of Male      611-617       601-607     601-608
            Genital Organs

   76      Diseases of the Breast      620,621       610,611     610,611

   77      Diseases of the Female      622-637       612-629     614-629
            Genital Organs

   78      Other Genito-Urinary        601,603       591,593     588,589,591
            System Diseases            605-609       595-599     593,595-599
Diseases of the Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue

                                         I.              II.          III.
       CATEGORY                       1950-1967       1968-1978     1979-1989
 NUMBER         TITLE                6th-& 7th Rev.     8th Rev.    9th Rev.

   79      Infections of the Skin      690-698       680-686     680-686
            and Subcutaneous Tissue

   80      Other Diseases of the       700-716       690-708     690-709
            Skin and Subcutaneous
Diseases of the Musculoskeletal System and Connective Tissue

                                         I.              II.          III.
       CATEGORY                       1950-1967       1968-1978     1979-1989
 NUMBER         TITLE                6th-& 7th Rev.     8th Rev.    9th Rev.

   81      Arthritis and Spondylitis   720-725       710-715     711-716

   82      Osteomyelitis and           730           720         730

   83      Other Diseases of MS        731-749       716-718     710,717-719
            System                     726-727       721-738     722-729,
Symptoms and Ill-defined Conditions

                                         I.              II.          III.
       CATEGORY                       1950-1967       1968-1978     1979-1989
 NUMBER         TITLE                6th-& 7th Rev.     8th Rev.    9th Rev.

   84      Symptoms and Ill-Defined    780-793      780-793      780-796,
            Conditions                 795          795,796      798,799

                                         I.              II.          III.
       CATEGORY                       1950-1967       1968-1978     1979-1989
 NUMBER         TITLE                6th-& 7th Rev.     8th Rev.    9th Rev.
 24         ACCIDENTS

   85      Transportation Accidents    E800-866      E800-845    E800-848
                                                     940-941     E929.0-929.1

   86      Accidental Poisoning        E870-895      E850-877    E850-869,
                                                     942         E929.2

   87      Accidental Falls            E900-904      E880-887,   E880-888,
                                                     943         E929.3

   88      Other Accidents             E910-936      E890-929    E890-928
                                       960-962       944-946     E929.4-

   89      Medical Complications       E940-959      E930-936    E870-879
            and Misadventure                         E947-949    E930-949

                                         I.              II.          III.
       CATEGORY                       1950-1967       1968-1978     1979-1989
 NUMBER         TITLE                6th-& 7th Rev.     8th Rev.    9th Rev.
 25         VIOLENCE

   90      Suicide                     E963          E950-959    E950-959
                                       E970-979      E970-979

   91      Homicide                    E964          E960-978    E960-978
Other Causes

                                         I.              II.          III.
       CATEGORY                       1950-1967       1968-1978     1979-1989
 NUMBER         TITLE                6th-& 7th Rev.     8th Rev.    9th Rev.
 26         OTHER CAUSES

   92      Other Causes                residual      residual      residual
                                        and blank     and blank     and blank

This page last reviewed: Wednesday, August 29, 2007