Instructions for Fuel Preprints

Abstracts and Preprints MUST be submitted on line!!
Hardcopy submission is no longer supported!

Quick and easy instructions for authors:

  1. Submit an abstract consistent with the Fuel Chemistry Symposium you are interested in through the ACS OASYS System.  
  2. Download the appropriate Fuel Division Preprint Template.  
  3. Submit your completed word processing preprint through OASYS. Carefully follow all formatting guidelines, we will perform minimal editing of your preprint.
  4. View preprints on-line, print it out, and check it for proper formatting and graphic clarity.  If necessary, edit or modify your preprint before the closing deadline.
  5. Present your paper at the ACS National Meeting.


Deadline for abstract and preprint for Philadelphia, Fall 2008

 National Meeting: 

March 28, 2008 Abstract & Preprint Deadline

The Division of Fuel Chemistry publishes preprints biannually as a record of the papers presented in Division sponsored symposia at ACS National meetings. The division strives to maintain high quality in its preprints as a benefit to its members. The preprints are abstracted by the ACS Chemical Abstracts Service and, thus, appear in many databases of scientific literature. 

All speakers must submit an abstract and preprint through ACS OASYS , the ACS Online Abstract submittal System. Hardcopy submission is no longer supported.  The abstract must be submitted first and will be assigned a paper number.  The preprint (based on the Fuel template) is then submitted as a word processing document under the same paper number. 

ACS Abstract Preparation and Submittal

All authors must use ACS OASYS, the ACS online abstract submittal system to submit online abstracts electronically.  Detailed instructions are available at the ACS meetings web site. 

Fuel Division Preprint Formatting Guidelines and Submittal

The division has a "no paper, no podium" policy.  Papers must be received in the correct format by the deadline, or else the paper will be WITHDRAWN from the program; no paper will be allowed for oral presentation without the published preprint.  Please follow the detailed instructions for the preprint preparation using the approved Preprint Template , which can be downloaded in Mac and PC word processing formats at The final appearance will reflect on the care that you personally use in the preparation.  Please adhere to the template guidelines. 

Your completed word processing manuscript should be submitted via OASYS using the paper number of your abstract.  Upon submission of your manuscript, it will be converted to a PDF document and made viewable by the authors for checking and printing.  Authors may re-transmit revised manuscripts up until the stated closing date for submissions.  After the closing date, the PDF document can only be viewed by the Symposium Organizer and Program Chair. The preprint file will be forwarded to the Fuel Preprints Editor for final acceptance. The preprint deadlines are final; please pay particular attention to the deadlines for abstract and preprint submittal. 

Here are sample preprints in pdf and Microsoft Word formats 

    Content and Style:

The paper should be in a typical paper format of Introduction, Materials and Methods (or Experimental), Results, Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgments, and References.  Tables and Figures are embedded in the text.  Your preprint is the record of your presentation at the meeting. We encourage you to present your subject concisely and completely so that our members not in attendance are well informed. Content and quality is your responsibility. Careful attention to the format and content of your manuscript means minimal editing and a rapid publication process. 

    Paper Format:

PLEASE USE THE DOWNLOADED PREPRINT TEMPLATE ! The Preprint Template can be downloaded from the Fuel Chemistry Division web site as described previously. The papers will be in two column format. Overwrite the text that is on your word processing screen to maintain the proper format. Your manuscript will be printable to a correct size on 8.5" by 11" paper in a two column format (each column 3.5 inches wide with 0.3 inches spacing between columns).  The correct margins are 0.8" on top, 1.1" on bottom, 0.6" on the left and right) and indents (0.25"). 
  • The font is Times New Roman or equivalent.
  • The title is centered boldface 10 point.
  • Authors 9 point italic centered, the same authors as the abstract
  • Section headings are 9 point bold
  • Body text should be 9 point Times New Roman font, fully justified
  • Footer. Preprint must show running footer on each page (Chicago 2001 meeting): Fuel Chemistry Division Preprints 2001, 46(2), xxxx

     Figures and Tables:

Figures, tables and graphics must be incorporated into the body of the text in the word processing document file, so that the entire document can be converted into a PDF file.  All Figures must be readable and positioned within the margins (authors should use "In line with text" option; i.e., not "float over text"). Figures should be black and white, at a size that is easily legible.  Particular care should be taken with scanned images to ensure optimal resolution is achieved in the final PDF document. The final appearance will reflect on the care that you personally use in the preparation. 


References should be in the ACS style. 

    Manuscript Length:

Your preprint is the record of your presentation at the meeting. We encourage you to present your subject concisely and completely so that our members not in attendance are well informed.Up to two pages (4 columns) are encouraged. Longer papers are not encouraged. Expanded or more detailed papers are still of interest to the journals. Papers that are longer than two pages will be charged $25 per page for excess pages. 


The Fuel Chemistry Division is responsible for assembling the content, the format, publication, and management of the preprints.  Rights to individual papers remain with the author(s). The Fuel Division Preprints are a product of the Fuel Division of the American Chemical Society. 


The general contact for information outside of the submittal process is the Symposium Organizer and the Program Chair.    For general papers, the Program Chair will act as organizer.  Authors lacking access to the internet or necessary word processing tools should contact their symposium organizer for assistance. Technical  issues concerning the preprint template should be directed to Bahram Fathollahir , Preprint Editor (858) 395-8653. Issues concerning preprint subscriptions or back issues should be directed to Jill MacKenzie , Preprint Subscriptions (814) 863-8363. Meeting specific information and any updates to these instructions will be posted at the Fuel Chemistry Division web site .


Last updated November 8, 2007

Quick links...

Fuel Preprint Templates

Sample Preprint pdf format

Sample Preprint Microsoft Word


ACS Meetings Page

Fuel Division Home Page



Copyright 2002 by Fuel Chemistry Division. All rights reserved.