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Using JOA with EPIC (at PMEL)


Using JOA with EPIC involves using either the epicselect program in Solaris or the EPIC Web Browser (http://www.epic.noaa.gov/) in the Windows (you can also use EWB in Solaris if you prefer) to create and download a pointer file that can be opened in JOA. Pointer files can be opened directly by JOA meaning that the actual data files will be opened into a JOA data window or the pointer file can be opened in the NdEdit module for further refinement and selection of profiles of interest. Refer to the tutorial below for an example of this process.

Memory Considerations

If the number of entries in the pointer file is relatively small or you are working exclusively with bottle data, you can open the pointer file directly in JOA to open the associated profiles. JOA has been successfully tested with pointer files containing over 500 bottle profile entries. If you are working with full-depth, full-resolution CTD profiles, you will be able to open far fewer profiles before you hit memory limitations on your machine. JOA has many options for decimating CTD data which may allow you to open a much larger number of profiles. Decimation settings are found using the Preferences command in the Edit menu.

Using EPIC Pointer File on Windows PCs

Before using the Epic Web Browser, you must make the actual EPIC data files available to your PC via NFS. You do this by mounting a specific network drive as the "Q:" drive on your PC.

Step #1: Right click on the My Computer icon on the desktop and select Map Network Drive.

Step #2: In the Map Network Drive dialog, select the "Q:" drive from the Drive popup menu.

Step #3: In the scrolling list select EPIC NFS in the Pesto node:

Step #4: Make sure that Reconnect at Logon is checked and click the OK button.

Tutorial on Using EPIC Web Browser

Step #1: Open the EPIC Web Browser web site at http://www.epic.noaa.gov/. You will then see the main EPIC window. Click on either the public access or PMEL local links to start browsing the database. You will see the main page for the EPIC Web Browser:

Step #2: Since JOA is designed for profile data, click the Profile data selection link. You will then see the Dataset Selection page.

Step #3: Select any combination of CTD, Bottle or XBT datasets. The web page will summarize the number of profiles, list the date range, and show the geographic extents of the selected datasets on the world map. Click the Next button to go to the Data Selection Search Criteria page:

Step #4: Refine your selection by entering date, depth, or location limits or searching for string attributes in the data files. You can define location range by dragging a selection rectangle on the map showing the station locations for the selected datasets. Click the Next or Search button to go to the Data Display and Access page.

Step #5: From the Pointer File Options popup menu (near the bottom of this page), select Download Pointer File. Click the GO button to go to the Download Pointer File page:

Step #6: Depending upon your platform (Solaris or Windows) right click on either the Unix Complete Format Pointer File or PC Complete Format Pointer File links. You will be prompted to save the pointer file to location on your local machine:

Step #7: Launch JOA 3.1. Click the small triangle next to Show NdEdit to display the NdEdit data browser. Select Open pointer collection from the File menu and open the pointer file you downloaded in the previous step:

You will see the individual profiles displayed as small x symbols in the NdEdit browsing panels:

Step #8: Use NdEdit's data selection features and filters to further refine your final data selection. Note: a separate NdEdit tutorial is available at http://www.pmel.noaa.gov/epic/software/JavaNdedit.htm. After narrowing the time domain and zooming into Kodiak Island, the NdEdit display now looks like:

This figure also illustrates the use of the Section tool to select a series of profiles in Shelikof Strait. The following figures shows the selected profiles as highlighted symbols:

Step #9: Open the selected files in JOA. Choose the Open selected files command in the File menu. You will be see the Configure Sort Options dialog:

Step #10: You can optionally sort the pointer file entries by location and depth . In addition you can specify the sorting order. After you have specified any pointer file sorting, click the OK button to open the selected profiles on JOA: