U. S. Food and Drug Administration
Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition
January 2001

Draft Risk Assessment on the Public Health Impact of
Vibrio parahaemolyticus in Raw Molluscan Shellfish

Table of Contents

VII. Discussion

The objectives of the risk assessment were two-fold: (a) to create a mathematical model and assess the current risk of becoming ill due to the consumption of pathogenic V. parahaemolyticus in raw oysters; and (b) develop a comprehensive and current scientific framework, which will assist the agency with the review of current programs relating to the regulation of V. parahaemolyticus in raw molluscan shellfish to ensure that such programs protect the public health. The risk assessment task force was also charged to evaluate: the evidence for increased risks from specific newly emerging "outbreak strains", the effectiveness of potential strategies for limiting exposure of the public to raw molluscan shellfish, particularly oysters containing pathogenic V. parahaemolyticus, the current criteria for opening and closing harvest waters, and FDA's current established guideline level of 10,000 V. parahaemolyticus/g of food.

The risks for sporadic illnesses occurring due to V. parahaemolyticus in oysters are determined by this risk assessment. Assessment of the risks associated with oyster-borne outbreaks caused by pathogenic V. parahaemolyticus will not be feasible until a later date. The data needed to model outbreak-associated risk are not as yet available. These data will be obtained from the interim control strategy for preventing outbreaks caused by V. parahaemolyticus by monitoring oyster meats for strains having the TDH gene, implemented in 1999 by the Interstate Shellfish Sanitation Conference (ISSC). Monitoring for pathogenic strains and implementation of harvest controls commenced in the spring of 2000 (some states began monitoring in 1999). To reasonably assess the effectiveness of this interim control strategy, FDA needs the following information: (a) which regions are monitoring, (b) the number of growing areas monitored in each region, (c) the number of total samples collected and the number positive for V. parahaemolyticus in each region, (d) the sensitivity of testing, (e) oyster landing data for each site and region during periods of monitoring, and (f) case data on oyster-borne illnesses caused by pathogenic V. parahaemolyticus.

The solicitation and assemblage of information and scientific data on V. parahaemolyticus from many sources produced a thorough, up-to-date compilation. This information was used in the construction of a mathematical model to produce results on the risk of illness incurred by eating raw oysters containing pathogenic V. parahaemolyticus. Three basic factors were found to be associated with this pathogen and consumer risk: the level of pathogenic V. parahaemolyticus in seafood at harvest, effect of post harvest handling and processing, and the ability of the organism to multiply to an infective dose. As a result, the risk assessment project was divided into three separate modules, which corresponded to different stages leading potentially to consumer exposure: the Harvest, the Post Harvest, and the Public Health Modules. The Harvest Module estimated the prevalence of pathogenic V. parahaemolyticus at time of harvest. The Post Harvest Module determined the role of post harvest processing and handling on the levels of pathogenic V. parahaemolyticus at consumption. The Public Health Module estimated the risk of illness caused by this organism. Because of harvesting and temperature differences, for the purpose of the model, the United States harvest areas were divided into five regions, and each region was divided into four seasons. Differences existing in oyster harvesting practices and climates in the United States were sufficiently significant to identify five separate geographic regions (Northeast Atlantic, Mid-Atlantic, Pacific Northwest, Louisiana Gulf Coast, and the remainder of the Gulf Coast) for each season, for consideration in modeling each of the modules. Factors influencing the risk of illness posed by V. parahaemolyticus were identified and incorporated in each module as appropriate. Integration of the various parameters comprising these modules into a quantitative risk assessment model has provided a more comprehensive understanding of the relative importance and interactions among these factors influencing risk. This gain in understanding should serve to facilitate several processes, including the formulation of effective guidance for the industry, regulators and consumers, the evaluations of risk mitigation strategies, and the development of options and policies for managing risk.

While providing a framework for understanding the relationship of risk to various parameters, the development of the risk assessment model necessarily required certain assumptions to fill the data gaps. The assumptions incorporated in the model were reviewed by NACMCF at a public meeting in September1999. Based on the information currently available, for the Harvest Module, it was assumed that the presence of the TDH gene be used as the basis for pathogenicity. It is not currently known what average levels of TDH-positive strains actually exist in shellfish, nationally or regionally. The estimates made in the V. parahaemolyticus risk assessment, based on observed frequency of TDH-positive isolates, were the best possible with the data currently available. However, since we do not know how this frequency may vary from one year to the next, we assumed a 2-fold up or down triangle distribution. Also, within a given year, we were unsure about the variance of percentage pathogenic in one composite of oysters to the next. For example, outside of the Pacific Coast, percentage pathogenic V. parahaemolyticus in a given year ranged from 0.1% to 0.3%; for the Pacific Northwest the range used was 2% to 4%. Furthermore, these estimates are based on older data, and may not be predictive of future years, given that frequency of percentage pathogenic V. parahaemolyticus may be changing as new outbreak strains emerge or reemerge, such as the emergence of O3:K6 or recurrence of known outbreak strains such as O4:K12.

For the Post Harvest Module, several assumptions were made based on the knowledge of current post harvest practices and information available. The time oysters are harvested to the time they are refrigerated was based on the current NSSP requirement (64) put into effect in 1997. The extent of growth that occurs during the period of time from harvest until the time that oysters are first placed under refrigeration is determined by three factors: (a) the growth rate of V. parahaemolyticus as a function of temperature; (b) the temperature of oyster meat after harvest and (c) the length of time held unrefrigerated. The growth rate of pathogenic V. parahaemolyticus in oysters was assumed to be one fourth that in broth culture at all temperatures. This rate was based on the model of Miles et al. (95), and the corresponding studies in oysters by Gooch et al. at 26°C (51). Also, since the V. parahaemolyticus organisms do not change their growth environment after harvest (within the oyster meat), it was assumed that lag time was negligible and was therefore omitted from the growth model. Regarding growth rates, preliminary studies at GCSL, showed no significant difference between pathogenic and non-pathogenic strains of V. parahaemolyticus. Since data on cooling rates of commercial oyster shellstock could not be located, the time for oysters to cool after being placed under refrigeration was assumed to be quite variable. This depended on efficiency of the cooler, quantity of oysters to be cooled and their arrangement in the cooler. A uniform distribution between 1 and 10 hours was used to model this parameter based on preliminary GCSL experiments for the time it took a single shell oyster at 30°C placed into a 3°C cooler to reach that temperature, and the time it took for 24 oysters in an uninsulated plastic container at 26°C to reach 3°C.

For the sake of simplicity of the model, we assumed that consumption patterns were the same for both the sensitive and otherwise healthy population, for all regions. It was assumed that all virulent/pathogenic strains of V. parahaemolyticus are equally virulent with the same dose-response as those strains fed to human volunteers in earlier studies. This assumption was based on personal communication with Dr. Nishibuchi, Kyoto University (105), who stated that due to lack of information, it is not known whether there are differences in virulence among different strains.

Our model clearly illustrated that air and water temperatures were the driving factor for initial pathogen loads as well as continued growth after harvesting, but there is some uncertainty due to lack of data showing correlating V. parahaemolyticus levels. It is also noteworthy that in the Pacific and Mid-Atlantic, the lower air temperatures reduce the importance of air temperature and time unrefrigerated compared to the Gulf Coast.

The risk assessment model illustrated that the most significant factor influencing probability of illness due to V. parahaemolyticus is the level of V. parahaemolyticus present in the oyster at harvest. However, the model is based on a strong correlation between total and pathogenic V. parahaemolyticus levels at time of harvest. We have also assumed that pathogenic strains of V. parahaemolyticus grow at the same rate as non-pathogenic strains. Consequently, as the level of total V. parahaemolyticus increases so does the number of pathogenic V. parahaemolyticus.

For the Gulf Coast, the second most influential factor for occurrence of illness is the duration that oysters are left unrefrigerated after harvest. For the remaining regions modeled, i.e., Mid-Atlantic and Pacific Northwest, water temperature was the second most influential parameter. For all regions, however, the amount of oysters consumed was the third most influential factor. It is interesting to note that time the oysters were left unrefrigerated was more significant for the Louisiana Gulf Coast than for the remaining Gulf Coast. It is known that many oyster harvesting areas are further offshore in Louisiana than in the rest of the Gulf Coast, and therefore it takes longer for the boats to return to the shore after harvest, leaving the oysters unrefrigerated for a longer time period.

Modeling of the Post Harvest Module demonstrated that if oysters are not refrigerated rapidly after harvest as recommended by NACMCF (102), V. parahaemolyticus rapidly multiply in oysters resulting in much higher levels. The model's simulation of mitigation strategies indicated a significant reduction in the probability of illness when the oysters are cooled immediately after harvest. Furthermore, V. parahaemolyticus densities were shown to decrease slowly during refrigerated storage, as also stated by the MSI and PCSGA in response to the Federal Register notice Docket No. 99N-1075 (43). Moreover, the use of mild heat treatment, which causes at least a 4.5 log10 decrease in the number of viable V. parahaemolyticus in oysters, practically reduced to zero the probability of illness occurring. Freezing, which causes a 1 to 2 log10 decrease substantially reduced the probability of illness.

Earlier human trials conducted in Japan showed an increase in the number of illnesses with increasing levels of pathogenic V. parahaemolyticus. Different dose-response models were compared for the purpose of extrapolating risk of illness estimated on the basis of human feeding trials at high levels of exposure to the lower levels of exposure associated with consumption of raw oysters. However, consideration of CDC estimates of annual illness suggested that the dose-response under conditions of population exposure was different than that observed in human volunteer studies. In other words, direct extrapolation of the dose-response under conditions of exposure in the feeding trials is not supported by the epidemiological data. The human feeding trials were conducted under conditions of concurrent antacid administration. Due to possible food matrix effects of the oyster, dose-response was shifted by 1 log10 from that based on published clinical trials. Preliminary data have shown that this shift is "supported" by consideration of the CDC numbers of V. parahaemolyticus infection. Distributions of ingested dose were developed by considering the probabilistic variation of number and meat weight of oysters in a serving in addition to the expected variation of the density of pathogenic V. parahaemolyticus determined in the Harvest and Post Harvest Modules.

The outputs from this project provide estimates of risk for illness among consumers of raw oysters (average nationwide yearly incidence of 4,750 cases per year, with a range from 1,000 to 16,000 cases - for the Gulf Coast, 25 (winter), 1,200 (spring), 3,000 (summer), and 400 (fall); for the Pacific Northwest, 15 (spring) and 50 (summer); for the Mid-Atlantic, 10 (spring) and 12 (summer); and for the Northeast Atlantic, 12 (spring), 30 (summer) and 7 (fall)). Risks increase with increasing levels of total V. parahaemolyticus and therefore pathogenic strains of V. parahaemolyticus.

The model made it possible to develop a mathematical means of relating potential microbiological criteria with both the predicted percentage of illness prevented and the predicted percentage of the oyster landings that would no longer be available to consumers if the criterion could be implemented with 100% efficiency. Retail surveys of oysters, clinical studies and outbreak investigations, have shown that the guidance level of 10,000 viable V. parahaemolyticus cells/gram of oyster meat may not be relevant to safety. Simulations on the rate of illness caused by oyster-servings where the levels of V. parahaemolyticus at harvest are at or above 10,000 cells/g suggest that approximately 15% of the illnesses are associated with the consumption of oysters containing greater than 10,000 V. parahaemolyticus/g at time of harvest. This is a consequence of the fact that higher levels of pathogenic V. parahaemolyticus are more likely to occur with higher levels of total V. parahaemolyticus. Nevertheless, even at these high levels, the risk of illness per serving is still comparatively low. Comparing the number of servings that cause illness to those that don't, the simulations demonstrate that on average 0.6% of the servings result in illness when V. parahaemolyticus levels are at 10,000 cells/g or above.

The risk assessment team addressed the questions that it was charged with as described below.

Data Gaps and Future Research Needs

Deficiencies of the current research with respect to risk assessment were identified in order to suggest future research or further data gathering to reduce uncertainties.

In conclusion, this risk assessment significantly advances our ability to describe our current state of knowledge about this important foodborne pathogen, while simultaneously providing a framework for integrating and evaluating the impact of new scientific knowledge on enhancing public health.

The results of this draft risk assessment on V. parahaemolyticus are influenced by the assumptions and data sets that were used to develop the exposure assessment and hazard characterization. These results, particularly the predicted estimates of risk for illness among consumers of raw oysters, and the most significant parameters, which influence the incidence of illness, could change as a result of future data obtained from the Interim Control Plan and the FDA actively seeking new information, scientific opinions, or data during the public comment period. It is anticipated that periodic updates to the risk model will continue to reduce the degree of uncertainty associated with risk estimates, and that this will assist in making the best possible decisions, policies, and measures for reducing the risk posed by V. parahaemolyticus in raw molluscan shellfish.

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