Department of Assistive & Rehabilitative Services


Hurricane Preparations for People with Disabilities

June 1st through November 30th is hurricane season. Texans with disabilities should begin preparing for hurricanes and other natural disasters that may strike with very little warning. | Read more about Hurricane Preparations for People with Disabilities.

DARS Library of Publications Now Available

Looking for a particular brochure about a DARS program or service? Would you like to download or read a DARS publication that you've previously seen? Now you can read and download DARS brochures and booklets on the new DARS Publications page.

DARS Legislative Appropriations Request Available

The DARS Legislative Appropriations Request for Fiscal Year 2010-2011 is now available for viewing online.

HHS Strategic Plan Available

The Texas Health and Human Services Commission (of which DARS is a part) has posted its System-wide Strategic Plan for 2009-2013. The document consolidates the strategic plans for all agencies in the HHS System and can be accessed online.

DARS DHHS Seeking Raters for Interpreter Evaluation

The DARS Office for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services (DHHS) is seeking raters who are hearing or deaf to evaluate candidates for interpreter certification. | Read notice of Open Enrollment for BEI Rater Services | Notice of Open Enrollment for People who are Deaf

Re-Procurement Update for DARS ECI Services

DARS Early Childhood Intervention (DARS-ECI) program will delay its statewide re-procurement of consumer services contracts until the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) finalizes rules changes that could affect some ECI services. | Read update regarding DARS-ECI Re-Procurement.

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DARS Overview

photo of consumers

The Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services, or DARS, administers programs that ensure Texas is a state where people with disabilities, and children who have developmental delays, enjoy the same opportunities as other Texans to live independent and productive lives.

The department has four divisions:

Through these divisions, DARS administers programs that help Texans with disabilities find jobs through vocational rehabilitation, ensure that Texans with disabilities live independently in their communities, and assist families in helping their children under age 3 with disabilities and delays in development reach their full potential.

It is a fundamental value of DARS to listen, to learn, and to be responsive to our stakeholders and our consumers in an ongoing effort to make programs and services even better. If you have suggestions or comments, please call the DARS Inquiries Unit at 1-800-628-5115, or email