
Louisiana Blind Services

Provides services to eligible individuals who are blind or visually impaired.

Louisiana Developmental Disabilities Council

Made up of people from every region of the state who are appointed by the governor to develop and implement a five year plan to address the needs of persons with disabilities. Membership includes persons with developmental disabilities, parents, advocates, professionals and representatives from public and private agencies.

Louisiana Vocational Rehabilitation Services

A one-stop career development program that offers individuals with disabilities a wide range of services designed to provide them with the skills, resources, attitudes and expectations needed to compete in the interview process, get the job, keep the job and develop a lifetime career.

Louisiana Accessibility Initiative

An effort across the Department of Education designed to foster support for all learners.

ADA & IT Technical Assistance Center (DBTAC) Southwest

Promotes full and unrestricted participation in society for persons with disabilities through education and technical assistance. Serves Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas.

Project PROMPT

Provides a variety of workshops to parents of children with special needs including training on the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and related federal and state laws.


The Postsecondary Education Programs Network (PEPNet) provides resources, information, in-service training and technical assistance for postsecondary institutions to improve existing services or to establish new services for students who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing.

Louisiana Office for Citizens with Developmental Disabilities

Office of the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospital serves people with developmental disabilities and their families and professionals who support them through a variety of services and programs including individual and family supports (i.e., personal care assistance, cash subsidy, respite, crisis intervention and supported living services).

EarlySteps Program

Louisiana's Early Intervention System under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, EarlySteps provides services to families with infants and toddlers from birth to three years (36 months) who have a medical condition likely to result in a developmental delay, or who have developmental delays.
  • The White House: President George W. Bush
  • USA.gov: The U.S. government's official web portal.

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