Argonne National Laboratory Environmental Science Division (EVS)
Advancing informed environmental decision making
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Who We Are

The Environmental Science Division (EVS), one of 25 programmatic divisions at Argonne National Laboratory, has as its mission "to advance informed environmental decision making." The core competencies of EVS are:

Clip art of people in a meeting
  • In-depth expertise in the scientific, engineering, and social science disciplines critical to analyzing and solving environmental problems.

  • Extensive experience in employing multi-disciplinary teams of specialists to address complex environmental problems of national and regional importance.

  • Development of innovative methodologies, systems, and tools that facilitate improved environmental analyses, efficient syntheses of environmental information, and credible decision making.

We focus on four broad strategic environmental areas under which specific programs and projects are conducted. Our staff of over 100 multidisciplinary professionals are organized in a matrix fashion to undertake programs and projects with technical managers and staff from seven sections, each specializing in specific technical disciplines.

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For information regarding employment opportunities in the Environmental Science Division and elsewhere at Argonne National Laboratory, visit Argonne's Human Resources site. There you can search weekly job postings and submit your resume.


U.S. Department of Energy UChicago Argonne LLC Office of Science - Department of Energy
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