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Governor Schwarzenegger
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AB 131 Expands Self-Directed Services

Assembly Bill 131 (Budget Act 2005: omnibus health trailer bill) repeals Section 4685.5 of the Welfare and Institutions Code and adds Section 4685.7 to establish, contingent upon approval of a federal waiver, the Self-Directed Services Program, which will be available in every regional center catchment area to provide participants, within an individual budget, greater control over needed services and supports, consistent with the requirements set forth in the bill.

Upon signing by the Governor, Assembly Bill (AB) 131 becomes law, and the Self-Directed Services Program has taken the first major step toward realization. While much work remains to be done, once development is complete, consumers and their families will have available another delivery system option. The Self-Directed Services Program option will provide eligible consumers the means to experience more control over their daily lives and determine how best to utilize available resources. The Department looks forward to working with all stakeholders in moving forward to achievement of the remaining processes required for full implementation.

Last Updated: 6/19/2008