NOAA ESRL Physical Sciences Division  
Modeling Programs
Climate-Weather Interaction
Coupled Atmosphere-Ocean
Physics Development and Validation

Air Quality

Aerosol Indirect Effect
Precipitation Studies
Large Eddy Simulations

Radiative Transfer Model

Modeling Programs

Modeling programs at ETL focus on the verification and improvement of atmospheric and oceanic models through the use of research quality observations.

Air Quality Modeling

Weather-Chemistry Air Quality Model Evaluation
To improve regional air quality forecasts, it is essential to assess the performance of air quality models which couple weather prediction and atmospheric chemistry . ETL has participated in several field programs to evaluate the regional performance of these models.

Central California Ozone Study (CCOS) Model Verification
ETL participates in an ongoing program of the California Air Resources Board (CARB) whose goal is to more completely understand and predict urban and regional-scale ozone episodes, through the development of better meteorological and aerometric observational data bases and improvement of numerical simulation models. These observations and models will form the scientific basis for the development of appropriate emission control strategies to help California meet regulatory requirements for state and federal 1-hour as well as federal 8-hour ozone standards.

Cloud Modeling

Large Eddy Simulations of Stratocumulus Clouds
Stratocumulus clouds are known to have a significant impact on the earth's climate by modifying radiative transfer. Our goal is to elucidate the role of clouds and aerosol in modifying the earth's climate.

Precipitation Studies
The measurement of precipitation is one of the fundamental goals of our science. Precipitation reaching the surface is a key component of the earth's hydrological cycle and represents an important source of water for human consumption. Precipitation also impacts elements as diverse as the salinity of the oceans, and vegetation, flora and fauna.

Numerical Modeling of Climate-Weather Interaction

While climate change research has focused on planetary scale environmental change, climate change can have a severe impact on regional weather, hydrology and air quality. In order to better anticipate and mitigate the regional impact of climate, ETL is seeking to close the climate-weather gap through the development of programs addressing regional scale variability through observation, modeling and analysis. Weather-Climate programs at ETL include studying the enhancement or suppression of the water cycle, the variation of temperature and air quality and arctic processes.

Understanding the Dynamic Link Between Tropical Climate Variation and Winter Storms Along the US West Coast
Satellite observations of the Pacific reveal bands of enhanced water vapor associated with the wintertime extratropical cyclones which produce most of the precipitation on the U. S. West Coast. Understanding the origins and development of these bands may aid regional short-term weather forecasting and seasonal precipitation predictions.

Coupled Atmosphere-Ocean Model

In traditional models of the atmosphere, the influence of the ocean on the atmosphere is limited to providing the bottom boundary condition in terms of sea surface temperature (SST). It has become increasingly clear that the the two-way interaction between the ocean and the atmosphere must be accounted for in order to better predict environmental events in coastal regions.

A Numerical Investigation of the Impact of Air-Sea Interaction on Hurricane Intensification
In this study, a coupled atmosphere-ocean-wave modeling system is used to simulate air-sea interaction under the high wind conditions of a hurricane. Results from these studies with and without sea-spray effect show that the inclusion of sea-spray evaporation can significantly increase hurricane intensity.

Development and Testing of Parmeterizations of Air-Sea Energy Fluxes under High Wind Conditions

Numerical Model Physics Development and Verification

Numerical models are computer approximations of the natural environment. In order to apply these models to increasingly complex issues, they must be tested and tuned. ETL is applying its extensive experience in Boundary Layer (BL) observation to improve the accuracy of boundary layer modeling.

Development and Testing of a New Atmospheric Boundary Layer (ABL) Scheme in WRF

Development of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer (ABL) Parametrizations for Weather and Air-Quality Predictions on Fine Scales

Earth System Research Laboratory
Physical Science Division (PSD)
Environmental Technology Laboratory

325 Broadway R/ETL
Boulder, Colorado 80305-3328

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