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About CERTs

Annual Report Year 4

AHRQ Letter | Steering Committee Letter | Introduction | CERTs Progress | Certs Program Resources | Certs Parnerships and Collaborations | Conclusion | The CERTs Organization | Principles of CERTs Public-Private Partnerships | Peer-Reviewed Publications


As noted in our first annual report, no one should have doubts about the medical products he or she prescribes or uses. The goal of our research and education activities is to understand more about the benefits and risks of certain therapies so that we can remove some of those doubts. This goal is ambitious, especially since both health care and the field of therapeutics are constantly changing. As new medical therapies are brought to the market, they raise new questions that need to be studied.

Therefore, there are many challenges ahead. The annual report is one opportunity to report some of our key accomplishments in the past year. Because there are so many projects-and they are so diverse-we only described a fraction of them. A renewed focus is on efforts that could benefit the entire health care system, such as studies of retrospective drug utilization review and changes in mental health care delivery and ongoing studies to improve prescribing technology.

For the past four years, partnership has been the cornerstone of the CERTs. As our projects become broader in scope, the importance of these partnerships will only increase. We are grateful to all those who have been our partners in improving therapeutics. We look forward to collaborating with new partners as well.

We also look forward to expanding our efforts to develop knowledge, manage risk, improve practice, and inform decision makers about the latest research evidence in the field of therapeutics.

Carolyn M. Clancy, MD

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