A Roadmap to a Seamless Topobathy

Data Inventory: Gulf of Mexico

The Gulf Inventory is a "snapshot" of availability as of November 15, 2007. It is comprised of two sets of maps: a Data Gap Analysis by Location and a Data Gap Analysis by Collection Date. These maps show you the actual location of data sets as well as the date of collection. Both sets of maps are found below. Each of the white boxes below indicates the extent of one map. Click on the white box, and a pop-up window will open displaying a pdf map of your area of interest.

Background and supplementary information can be found in the Topographic and Bathymetric Data Inventory Support Document which accompanies the maps. This document includes information about how to access the data and descriptions of data sets. Additional information (datums, point spacing, ownership, etc.) regarding the topographic lidar collections (shoreline data sets excluded) can also be found in the Table of Attributes. This information can also be navigated using the links below.

Data Gap Analysis By Location

Map of Topography by Location BO16 BO17 BO18 BO19 BO20 BO21 BO22 BP16 BP17 BP18 BP19 BP20 BP21 BP22 BQ16 BQ17 BQ18 BQ19 BQ20 BQ21 BQ22 BR16 BR17 BR18 BR19 BR20 BR21 BR22 BR23 BS16 BS17 BS18 BS19 BS20 BS21 BS22 BS23 BS24 BS25 BS26 BS27 BS28 BS29 BS30 BS31 BS32 BS33 BT16 BT17 BT18 BT19 BT20 BT21 BT22 BT23 BT24 BT25 BT26 BT27 BT28 BT29 BT30 BT31 BT32 BT33 BT34 BT35 BT36 BT37 BT38 BU11 BU12 BU13 BU14 BU15 BU16 BU17 BU18 BU19 BU20 BU21 BU22 BU23 BU24 BU25 BU26 BU27 BU28 BU29 BU30 BU31 BU32 BU33 BU34 BU35 BU36 BU37 BU38 BU39 BU40 BV11 BV12 BV13 BV14 BV15 BV16 BV17 BV18 BV19 BV20 BV21 BV22 BV23 BV24 BV25 BV26 BV27 BV28 BV29 BV30 BV31 BV32 BV33 BV34 BV35 BV36 BV37 BV38 BV39 BV40 BW09 BW10 BW11 BW12 BW13 BW14 BW15 BW16 BW17 BW18 BW19 BW20 BW21 BW22 BW23 BW24 BW25 BW26 BW27 BW38 BW39 BW40 BW41 BX09 BX10 BX11 BX12 BX13 BX23 BX24 BX25 BX26 BX38 BX39 BX40 BX41 BY07 BY08 BY09 BY10 BY11 BY12 BY13 BY39 BY40 BY41 BZ07 BZ08 BZ09 BZ10 BZ11 BZ39 BZ40 BZ41 CA07 CA08 CA09 CA10 CA39 CA40 CA41 CB07 CB08 CB09 CB10 CB39 CB40 CB41 CC07 CC08 CC09 CC10 CC39 CC40 CC41 CC42 CC43 CD07 CD08 CD09 CD10 CD40 CD41 CD42 CD43 CE41 CE42 CE43 CF41 CF42 CF43

Click on a tile to see a map of that area in PDF format, or download all PDF maps (35.99 MB).

Data Gap Analysis By Collection Date

Map of Topography by Date BO16 BO17 BO18 BO19 BO20 BO21 BO22 BP16 BP17 BP18 BP19 BP20 BP21 BP22 BQ16 BQ17 BQ18 BQ19 BQ20 BQ21 BQ22 BR16 BR17 BR18 BR19 BR20 BR21 BR22 BR23 BS16 BS17 BS18 BS19 BS20 BS21 BS22 BS23 BS24 BS25 BS26 BS27 BS28 BS29 BS30 BS31 BS32 BS33 BT16 BT17 BT18 BT19 BT20 BT21 BT22 BT23 BT24 BT25 BT26 BT27 BT28 BT29 BT30 BT31 BT32 BT33 BT34 BT35 BT36 BT37 BT38 BU11 BU12 BU13 BU14 BU15 BU16 BU17 BU18 BU19 BU20 BU21 BU22 BU23 BU24 BU25 BU26 BU27 BU28 BU29 BU30 BU31 BU32 BU33 BU34 BU35 BU36 BU37 BU38 BU39 BU40 BV11 BV12 BV13 BV14 BV15 BV16 BV17 BV18 BV19 BV20 BV21 BV22 BV23 BV24 BV25 BV26 BV27 BV28 BV29 BV30 BV31 BV32 BV33 BV34 BV35 BV36 BV37 BV38 BV39 BV40 BW09 BW10 BW11 BW12 BW13 BW14 BW15 BW16 BW17 BW18 BW19 BW20 BW21 BW22 BW23 BW24 BW25 BW26 BW27 BW38 BW39 BW40 BW41 BX09 BX10 BX11 BX12 BX13 BX23 BX24 BX25 BX26 BX38 BX39 BX40 BX41 BY07 BY08 BY09 BY10 BY11 BY12 BY13 BY39 BY40 BY41 BZ07 BZ08 BZ09 BZ10 BZ11 BZ39 BZ40 BZ41 CA07 CA08 CA09 CA10 CA39 CA40 CA41 CB07 CB08 CB09 CB10 CB39 CB40 CB41 CC07 CC08 CC09 CC10 CC39 CC40 CC41 CC42 CC43 CD07 CD08 CD09 CD10 CD40 CD41 CD42 CD43 CE41 CE42 CE43 CF41 CF42 CF43

Click on a tile to see a map of that area in PDF format, or download all PDF maps (38.03 MB).

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