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September 1999

Multi-Agent Framework for Lean Manugacturing, Ivezic, N., Potok, T., and Pouchard, L., IEEE Internet Computing 3 (5), September- October 1999.

``Status Report on Studies of Recovery Boiler Composite Floor Tube Cracking,'', J. R. Keiser, X.-L. Wang, R. W. Swindeman, G. B. Sarma, C. M. Hoffmann, P. J. Maziasz, D. L. Singbeil, R. Prescott, P. Eng, L. A. Frederick, P. M. Singh and J. Mahmood, in Proc. 1999 TAPPI Engineering/Process & Product Quality Conference & Trade Fair, TAPPI Press, Atlanta, pp. 1099-1107 (1999).

``Thermal Behavior of Floor Tubes in a Kraft Recovery Boiler,'' J. R. Keiser, L. M. Hall, K. A. Choudhury, G. B. Sarma, J. P. Gorog and R. E. Barker, in Proc. 1999 TAPPI Engineering/Process & Product Quality Conference & Trade Fair, TAPPI Press, Atlanta, pp. 1109-1120 (1999).

Productivity Analysis of Object-Oriented Software Developed in a Commercial Environment - Software Practice and Experience, Tom Potok, Vol 29, No 10, pp833-847.

"Adaptive Scheduling for Task Farming with Grid Middleware", H. Casanova, M. Kim, J. Plank, J. Dongarra, International Journal of High Performance and Supercomputer Applications, Volume 13, Number 3, Fall 1999, pp 231-240.

JLAPACK – Compiling LAPACK Fortran to Java, D. Doolin, J. Dongarra, and K. Seymour, Scientific Programming, Volume 7 Number 2, 1999, ISSN 1058-9244, pp 111-138.

A Parallel Divide and Conquer algorithm for the Symmetric Eigenvalue Problem, F. Tisseur and J. Dongarra, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computer, Volume 6, Number 20, pp 2223-2236, 1999.

Logistical Quality of Service in NetSolve, Micah Beck, Henri Casanova, Jack Dongarra, Terry Moore, Jim Plank, Francine Berman, and Rich Wolski, Computer Communications, Elsevier Science, North Holland, Volume 22, Number 11, pp 1034-1044, 1999.

Novel Computational Simulation of Redox Reactions within a Metal Electrospray Emitter, Gary J. Van Berkel (CASD), Gary E. Giles (CPED), Jonathan S. Bullock IV (Y-12 Development), and L. J. Gray (CSMD) accepted by Analytical Chemistry.

Structured long-range connections can provide a scaffold for orientation maps has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Neuroscience. The authors are Harel Z. Shouval, David H. Goldberg, Judson P. Jones, Martin Beckerman and Leon N. Cooper. Shouval and Cooper are at Brown University. Goldberg was at Brown University and is now at Johns Hopkins University. The Journal of Neuroscience is the premier journal for reporting results of research in neuroscience. This paper represents an important milestone in our ongoing collaboration with our colleagues in the Institute for Brain and Neural Systems at Brown University.

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URL: http://www.csm.ornl.gov/pub/pub-sep99.html
Updated: Monday, 08-Nov-2004 17:19:52 EST
