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Awards Archive - 1987

Awards for Excellence in Technology Transfer

Agricultural Research Service
Henry P. Fleming
Research, development, and effective technology transfer of the closed tank system for brine fermentation of cucumbers to the U.S. pickle industry.
James D. Rhoades
Conceiving, developing and generating the commercialization of instrumentation and techniques for the rapid in-field measurements of soil electrical conductivity.

ARS National Center for Agriculture Utilization Research
J. Michael Gould
Development and implementation of direct technology transfer efforts with the alkaline peroxide treatment process to further the use of technology developed in the nominee's laboratory.

FS-North Central Experiment Station
James A. Abercrombie
Innovative and successful transfer of the "Spring Chainsaw Felling and Summer Burn" site preparation technique.
Sharon Ossenbruggen
Uncommon creativity and initiative in designing and implementing exhibits for the New York City/U.S. Forest Service Pelham Bay Environmental Center.

Air Force Rome Laboratory
Alton F. Armington
Development and transfer to industry of technology for the growth of high-quality single crystal quartz used as resonators for precise timing in DOD systems.

Air Force Wright Laboratories
Nancy A. Noblit
Uncommon initiative in promoting use of the Air Force Weibull Analysis Handbook and associated software programs, and in the transfer of the developed technology to a wide range of U.S. and international industrial sectors.

Army Engineering Waterways Experiment Station
Doyle L. Jones
Technology transfer of microcomputer programs in coastal engineering on a routine basis to private industry, universities, and state and local government agencies.

Army Natick RD&E Center
Hie-Joon Kim
Initiative in transferring to industry the analytical procedure for rapidly and accurately determining low levels of sulfites in many different foods and for ensuring compliance with new FDA regulations.

Naval Civil Engineering Laboratory
Robert J. Taylor
Outstanding dedication and creativity in the transfer of technology regarding anchors and mooring system design to the public and private sectors at the national and international level.
George Y. Wu
Outstanding dedication and creativity in the transfer of technology regarding refratory concrete materials to the public and private sectors at national and international levels.

Institute for Telecommunication Sciences
Jean E. Adams
Primary design, development, and management of a creative on-line access program consisting of unique information database of telecommunications models and planning scenarios to assist industry in the analysis of radio wave characteristics and the design of telecommunications systems.

National Institute of Standards & Technology
Harold Nelson
Leadership in transferring a computer-modeling program that simulates fires to fire protection engineers and fire investigators.

NOAA-Environmental Research Laboratory
Gerald R. Ochs
Persistent and creative efforts to transfer laser wind and turbulence sensing to private industry.
Staff Members, Wave Propagation
Being the prime mover in the transfer of the radar wind Profiler technology by creating and stimulating a new industry for the improvement of the nation's weather services.

Argonne National Laboratory
Melvin W. Findlay, Takaaki Otagawa, William R. Penrose, Joseph R. Stetter, Solomon Zaromb
Developing and fully commercializing a portable chemical analyzer.

Idaho National Engineering Laboratory
Doyle L. Batt, Philip E. MacDonald, Kenneth D. Russell, Martin B. Sattison, Dale E. Snider, Kurt L. Wagner
Initiative and teamwork demonstrated in accomplishing the transfer of the INEL technology, Integrated Reliability and Risk Analysis System (IRRAS), to users outside the nuclear research community.

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Barbara Atkinson, Dieter Fuss, Patrick Gray, Barbara Lopossa, Sam Mendicino
Transfer of the LLNL-developed LINCS Distributed Operating System to private industry.

Los Alamos National Laboratory
Robert F. Benjamin
For the invention, development, patenting, and licensing of production rights for a "microballoon optical pin" for measuring strong pressure pulses in hostile environments.

Mound Applied Technologies
Patrick Adams, Dan Carfagno, Howard Charbeneau, Kenneth DeVilbis, Charles Friedman, Mark Gibson, Dennis McNeil, Joseph Olekas, Larry Roush
Initiative in transferring of emergency preparedness techniques to the city of Miamisburg, Ohio, which helped the city in its management of a 1986 train derailment and resulting phosphorous-carrying freight car explosion.

Oak Ridge Institute for Science & Education
Peter G. Groer, Steven H. Huff
Developing and promoting an innovative software package used to estimate the probability that a person's cancer was caused by radiation exposure.

Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Karl W. Haff, Eugene Newman, Dan W. Ramey, J. Andrew Tompkins
Developing and transferring to the public and government sectors cost- and energy-efficient radioluminescent lights for airfield lighting systems.
Paul F. Becher, Terry N. Tiegs
Transferring technology related to silicon carbide whisker-alumina composites used in high strength/toughness applications by industrial manufacturers of cutting tools.

Pacific Northwest Laboratory
Bruce A. Bushaw, Tom J. Whitaker
Innovative development of the kinetic phosphorimetry technique and resolute endeavors to make the development of its benefits available to the uranium industry through commercial enterprise.
Kenneth R. Ames, James M. Doesburg, Eugene A. Eschbach, Roy C. Kelley, David A. Myers, Ronald Schalla
Commitment to the design, development and transfer of a low-cost sampling pump and steadfast pursuit of other avenues of commercialization when initial efforts failed.

Sandia National Laboratories (New Mexico)
Dale R. Boehme, Monte C. Nichols
Developing the Z-Ray microanalyzer and transfer of the technology to Kevex Corporation for commercial production.

Langley Research Center
Joseph S. Heyman
Developing and transferring ultrasonic technology for the nondestructive evaluation of material mechanical properties and transferring this technology to the mining, railroad, and aerospace industries.