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Disease Control and Environmental Epidemiology


Picutre of men women and animalsThe importance of surveillance data collected from reportable disease information cannot be overstated. Without such data, trends cannot be accurately monitored, unusual occurrences of diseases might not be detected, and the effectiveness of intervention activities cannot be evaluated.
Epidemiology is the branch of public health that works to understand the causes and effects of disease in communities. We look for ways to prevent or control those diseases and their negative effects on people and society.

Our goals are attained by preventing and controlling the spread of acute, chronic and infectious disease; and monitoring the sanitary status of water and food safety.

This program was established in 2004 within the Environmental Health Department to assist the Consumer Health Protection Division in the surveillance, investigation, reporting and prevention of food and waterborne disease in the City Of Albuquerque.

Food Safety

Every year, millions of people may experience one or more episodes of food borne illness, without ever knowing that it was food that caused their illness. Generally, these illnesses are preventable if safe food handling practices are followed. Below are some facts and tips to teach you the basics of food safety. Make sure that you and your family aren't victims of preventable food borne illness! more information



What is hepatitis and how is it transmitted?
Hepatitis is a viral disease that affects the liver. There are many forms of hepatitis, including Hepatitis B (HBV) and Hepatitis C (HCV). It is transmitted through infected blood and other body fluids and unsafe sexual practices. It can also be transmitted from mothers to babies. more information

Safe School Lunches

Whether it's off to school or work we go, millions of Americans carry lunches from home. Food brought from home can be kept safe if it is handled and cooked safely. Perishable food must be kept cold while commuting via bus, bicycle, on foot or in a car. more information



The most important thing that you can do to keep from getting sick is to wash your hands.

By frequently washing your hands you wash away germs that you have picked up from other people, or from contaminated surfaces, or from animals and animal waste. more information



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