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2005 Awards

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NOAA Research Outstanding Scientific Paper Awards

F. Martin Ralph, Paul J. Neiman, D. E. Kingsmill, P.O.G. Persson, A. B. White, E.T. Strem, E. D. Andrews, and R.C. Antweiler.
2003. Impact of a Prominent Rain Shadow on Flooding in California's Santa Cruz Mountains: A CALJET Case Stud y and Sensitivity to the ENSO Cycle.. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 4, 1243-1264.

T.B. Ryerson, M. Trainer, W.M. Angevine, C.A. Brock, R.W. Dissly, F.C. Fehsenfel d, G.J Frost, P.D. Goldan, J.S. Holloway, G. Hubler, R.O. Jakoubek, W.C. Kuster, J.A. Neuman, D.K. Nicks Jr., D.D. Parrish, J.M. Roberts, D.T. Sueper, E.L. Atla s, S.G. Donnelly, F. Flocke, A. Fried, W. T. Potter, S. Schauffler, V. Stroud, A .J Weinhimer, B.P. Wert, C. Wiednmyer, R.J. Alverez, R. M. Banta, L.S. Darby, and C.J. Senff.
2003. ffect of Petrochemical Industrial Emissions of Reactive Alkenes and NOx on Tropospheric Ozone Formation in Houston, Texas. Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 108, NO. D8.

2003 Awards

U.S. Patent Office Logo

U.S. Patent 6,615,140

Allen B. White, Daniel J. Gottas, F. Martin Ralph, and Paul J. Neiman
Operational bright-band snow level detection using Doppler radar

DOC Bronze Medal


Daniel Wolfe For coordinating the final integration of hardware and software into completed measurement systems which advance the Environmental Technology Laboratory's research interests.

Jian-Wen Bao For facilitating collaboration between the NOAA Research Laboratories in the development of a chemical weather forecasting model.

PACJET Research and Development Team For the development of a snow-level algorithm for boundary-layer wind profilers which will improve national winter weather forecasts.

SFA Facilitator Cadre/OAR Facilitators (Howie Friedman, Nikola Garber, Matt Willburn, Lisa Darby) For contributions in successfully facilitating close to 1,000 work group meetings as part of NOAA's second Survey Feedback Action process.

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NOAA Administrator's Award

Christopher Fairall
For advancing the science and engineering of air-sea interaction measurements and producing vastly improved parameterizations that have now been widely adopted in global climate and weather models.
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NOAA Research Outstanding Scientific Paper Awards

C. Fairall, J. Hare, J. Edson, and W. McGillis
2000. Parameterization and micrometeorological measurement of air-sea gas transfer . Boundary-Layer Meteorology, vol 96.

G. Feingold, L.A. Remer, J. Ramaprasad, and Y.J. Kaufman.
2001. Analysis of smoke impact on clouds in Brazilian biomass burning regions: An extension of Twomey's approach. J. Geoph. Res. 106 (D19): 22,907-22,922.

2002 Awards

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NOAA Research Outstanding Scientific Paper Awards

G. Feingold and S. Kreidenweis
Does Cloud Processing of Aerosol Enhance Droplet Concentrations?
Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 105, no. D19, October 2000.

R. F. Reinking, J. B. Snider, and J. L. Coen
Influence of Storm-Embedded Orographic Gravity Waves on Cloud Liquid Water and Precipitation
Journal of Applied Meteorology, vol. 39, June 2000.

D. Stensrud, J. Bao, and T. Warner
Using initial conditions and model physics perturbations in short-range ensemble simulations of mesoscale convective systems
Monthly Weather Reivew, 128, 2000.

M. Shapiro, H. Wernli, J. Bao, J. Methven, X. Zou, J. Doyle, T. Holt, E. Donall-Grell, and P. Neiman
A Planetary-Scale to Mesoscale Perspective of the Life Cycles of Extratropical Cyclones: The Bridge between Theory and Observations
Monograph, American Meteorological Society.

U.S. Patent Office Logo

U.S. Patent 6,377,207

Frederick S. Solheim and Albin J. Gasiewski
Passive Polarimetric Microwave Radiometer for Detecting Aircraft Icing Conditions

U.S. Patent 6,377,202

Robert A. Kropfli, Roger F. Reinking, Bruce W. Bartram, Sergey Y. Matrosov, and Brooks Martner
Icing hazard avoidance system and method using dual-polarization airborne radar.

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NOAA Administrator's Awards

James Churnside and James Wilson
for their scientific research and engineering development in their conception, design, and engineering development of the NOAA Fish Lidar.

2001 Awards

DOC Gold Medal


Radar Meteorology and Oceanography Division - ETL
For the theoretical, experimental, and engineering advances that led to the development of a new technology - an autonomous, ground-based, remote-sensing system to unambiguously detect dangerous in-flight icing conditions in clouds. The system will be deployed near large airports where icing hazards are frequent; providing pilots and air traffic controllers with accurate, real-time warnings of icing conditions. This technology will save lives and millions of dollars in property damage.
DOC Bronze Medal


Jorgeann Hiebert For the development of educational outreach programs for minority students and teachers to increase knowledge of science and enhance NOAA's future workforce.
  Richard Beeler For his participation in the development and implementation of the NOAA Enterprise Messaging System, resulting in a major consolidation of NOAA email systems.
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NOAA Administrator's Award

Daniel Law, Scott A. McLaughlin, David A. Merritt, Sergio A. Pezoa, Madison Post, Bob Weber, David C. Welsh, and Daniel E. Wolfe
For innovative engineering development of a new observing system to improve the NOAA's forecasts of weather and climate.

NOAA Technology Transfer Award

David C. Welsh
For the successful development of the first unattended cloud radar able to operate continuously in extreme conditions.

Federal Laboratory Consortium for Technology Transfer

David C. Welsh
Recognizes the notwworthy technology transfer efforts.
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Thomas E. Ayers - for playing a critical role in constructing, testing, improving, and deploying five millimeter cloud radars used at several international sites. Because of the importance of this radar as a new atmospheric sensor, it has been commercialized through a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) between ETL and Radian.

Merri Richeson - for her ability to be a stabilizing influence during a time of turmoil and change for the people of the Laboratory.

Scott Sandberg - for his dedication to the job of insturment deployment and his pursuit of getting the job done right many times under extreme conditions and short deadlines.

Earth System Research Laboratory
Physical Science Division (PSD)
Environmental Technology Laboratory

325 Broadway R/ETL
Boulder, Colorado 80305-3328

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