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Bernalillo County - New Mexico
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The Federal Emergency Management Agency has produced revised Flood Insurance Rate Maps for Bernalillo County that will change the status of some properties, placing them in a flood hazard area.

FEMA’s revised flood maps will become effective on September 26, 2008. Property owners within the flood hazard area are required by federal law to carry flood insurance if they hold a mortgage on their property. 
Albuquerque West Levee 
The map changes are a result of federal reclassification of a portion of the Albuquerque West levee along the Rio Grande from approximately Louise Road south to I-25. This levee could not be certified as meeting new, more stringent, federal criteria. As a result, a portion of the South Valley situated behind this section of the levee is shown on the new maps as a Special Flood Hazard Area. 
A project to reconstruct this section of levee is presently underway. The Middle Rio Grande Conservancy District and the Corps of Engineers will lead the effort with additional funding from the County and the Albuquerque Metropolitan Arroyo Flood Control Authority. After construction, these agencies will seek FEMA approval for removing the Special Flood Hazard Area designation. The MRGCD anticipates that the project will be completed by August 2009. Subsequent FEMA approval may take an additional six months. 
The Area Affected 
A map of the NEW ZONE A AREA.  More detailed map panels are available for view by contacting the Bernalillo County Floodplain Administrator at the Public Works Division offices at 848-1500. The map panels are located at 2400 Broadway SE, Building N in Albuquerque. 
Flood Insurance 
Upon the effective date of the new maps, flood insurance will be mandatory for structures in the area that have been financed with mortgages from a federally regulated lender. Bernalillo County recommends that property owners discuss flood insurance options with their insurance agents and mortgage lenders. According to FEMA, properties may be eligible for grandfathering if you act before the effective date of September 26, 2008. Grandfathering may reduce the cost of flood insurance. Contact your insurance company to find out if you qualify.
Additional Information 
More detailed information about flood insurance through the NFIP can be obtained at
Additional information regarding FEMA procedures is available through the following resources:
Online Flood Maps              
FEMA Map Assistance Center:         1-877-FEMA-MAP (1-877-336-2627)
Flood Policy coverage and rates:    1-800-427-4661