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IHDD Institute on Human Development and DisabilityBuilding Bridges to Communities
GAPAS Graduating Class of 2008

Graduating Class of 2008

The GA PAS Corps AmeriCorps Members Class of 2008 graduation ceremony was held Thursday, September 25th, at the Decatur office and was honored by the presence of Mr. John Turner, Executive Director of
the Georgia Commission for Service & Volunteerism.

Speaking at the event, Mr. Turner cited continuum
of service
as one of the traits the AmeriCorps program hopes to leave as its mark on graduating members.

GA PAS Corps Graduating class of 2008 with Speaker Turner.

In her opening remarks, GA PAS Corps Program Director, Dr. Marie Wandera, thanked all the members for doing their part in national service, reiterating the fact that living off a small stipend and serving others can only be thanked by the humanity that touches others lives and each member individually.

Members Marlicia Jamerson, Darline Arline, Ola Dyous and Tedonzong Tchoutezo attended the ceremony in person and were presented with National Service certificates and a token of appreciation. Graduating members who were unable to attend the ceremony for multiple reasons included China Ross, Kimberly Hatcher, Makini Austin, Mumtaz Nurani, Keisha Pighee and Veronica Jackson. Members present had
an opportunity to share snippets of their service experience.

In his concluding remarks, Mr. Cillaty Daboh, the Training & Recruitment Coordinator, thanked all the members for their service, and acknowledged the fact that in the hardest of times, it is those who give of themselves that keep our communities functioning.
 Marie Wandera, GA PAS Corps Project Director

Raun Kaufman to speak at CDAG Annual Conference in Macon, GA. (Photo of Raun Kaufman)RAUN KAUFMAN

Annual Fall Conference
presented by
Community Developers Association
of Georgia (CDAG)

October 15, 2008 - 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Clarion Conference Center

Raun was diagnosed as severely and incurably autistic at the age of 18 months, functioning with an I.Q. of less than 30. His family chose to ignore the advice of professionals to institutionalize him; instead choosing to develop a home based teaching method now known as the Son-Rise Program. Raun Kaufman, CEO of the Autism Treatment Center of America, is indeed cured of his autism. He graduated from Brown University with a degree in Biomedical Ethics.

Raun will present an all day session at the conference on October 15th that will inspire and empower parents and professionals alike to view children with special needs in a new light, by providing a charismatic lecture that delivers practical strategies to implement immediately.

Click here for details of the conference,
and more about Raun's amazing story.

AUCD Conference - November 2008 Logo

This year is a combination of tradition, change, and forward movement; thus the theme of paving the way and building pathways. Whether you have been creating a new path, expanding an existing road, or creating a super-highway by taking interventions to full-scale, we invite you to participate in this year's Annual Meeting by sharing your expertise. We hope that you will submit your proposal for a presentation and help us pave the way!

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The Institute on Human Development and Disability (IHDD)
A University center for Excellence in Developmental Disability Education, Research, and Service (UCEDD)
Unit of the College of Family and Consumer Sciences (FACS), The University of Georgia (UGA)
850 College Station Road, Athens, Georgia 30602-4806
706-542-3457 * Fax: 706-542-4815 *