A photo of three fishing boats tied together in a harbor.
An aerial photo of a plowed farm field.
A photo of a white stork wading in water covered by lily pads and tall grass.
Text image: Task Force
Text image: Learn
Text image: Moving Forward
The Mississippi River/Gulf of Mexico Watershed Nutrient Task Force consists of 5 federal agencies and 10 state agencies.

What's hypoxia? What's eutrophication? Learn about what causes an area the size of Massachusetts to have oxygen levels so low it can not sustain marine life.

The 2008 Action Plan and Annual Operating Plan were released on June 16th, 2008 as a national strategy and a roadmap to reduce hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico and improve water quality in the MARB.

Learn about committees within the Basin and the actions they are taking to move forward on Gulf hypoxia.

Raising awareness on Gulf hypoxia - access articles, press releases, TV news, and important information on the Internet.

What's being done? Member agencies of the Task Force have made progress toward reducing nutrients in the MARB and will continue to do so, implementing actions in the 2008 Action Plan.

The Task Force was established in 1997 to reduce and control hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico. More recently, a reassessment to address the state of the science was conducted.

Learn about the Mississippi-Atchafalaya River Basin (MARB), a vast watershed that comprises 31 states.

The Task Force regularly holds public meetings to inform the public of progress made and solicit public comment. Meeting summaries for all public meetings are available.