Wildlife Science For Educators and Students
Office of External Affairs


"Working in the Arctic" Scott Schliebe

Scott Schliebe discusses different aspects of working in the arctic on polar bear research. All answers are in podcast format (mp3).


Interview Questions:


1. How did you get involved in polar bear research? Answer (text transcipt)


2. What is it about polar bears that has kept your interest and fascination through the years? Answer (text transcript)


3. This might sound like a funny question, but is it hard to find a white bear on white snow? Answer (text transcript)


4. Given the remote areas you work in, seems like you would need some pretty skilled pilots—can you talk to us a little bit about your pilots? Answer (text transcript)


5. What are some of the problems you encounter working with bears in such a cold climate—do you need special equipment? Answer (text transcript)


6. If someone was interested in a career as a biologist or working with wildlife, what would you recommend? Answer (text transcript)


7. Do polar bears and penguins live together? Answer (text transcript)




Scott Schliebe – "Working in the Arctic ” Credt: USFWS

Last updated: May 14, 2008
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