Geophysical Fluid
Dynamics Laboratory

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High Performance Computing and Research at GFDL (NOAA Tech 2006)


High Performance Computing and Research (NOAA Tech 2006)

image An overview of recent research and results at GFDL
presented from November 1-3, 2005 at NOAA Tech 2006 by John Sheldon.

Without animations (PDF - 2.5 MB | PPT - 15 MB, Internal Only).
With animations (ZIP - 127 MB, Internal Only).

Individual Animations

CM 2.1 Climate Model Projection (Slide 11)

image Coupled Climate Model (CM 2.1) projection of
surface air temparature anomalies from years 1971-2100.

Animation (MPEG4 - 2.4 MB)

Global Model Simulation (Slide 14)

image Demonstration of a global high-resolution (1/2 degree) model simulation spanning 60 days representative of future production codes.

Animation (MPEG4 - 49 MB)

2004 Hurricane Season Model Forecasts (Slide 18)

image This sequence shows the model tracks, precipitation and eyewalls for
the 2004 hurricanes Charley, Ivan, Frances, and Jeanne.

Animation (MPEG4 - 27 MB)

Hurricane Katrina Model Forecast (Slide 23)

image Several hurricane attributes are animated simultaneously for the GFDL Forecast Model of hurricane Katrina revealing a cooling wake in the Gulf of Mexico.

Animation (MPEG4 - 5.6 MB)

Hurricane Katrina Infrared Satellite Loop (Slide 27)

image Infrared imagery from the NOAA GOES satellite system have been animated between August 24-30, 2005.

Animation (MPEG4 - 20 MB)

Hurricane Katrina Model Relative Humidity Loop (Slide 28)

image The three-nest structure of the GFDL Hurricane Model can be seen in this animation of vertically integrated relative humidity at half hour intervals between the model dates August 27-30. The magenta glyphs depict actual observed track positions.

Animation (MPEG4 - 4.3 MB)

HIM Tsunami Simulation (Slide 31)

image The global reach of a tsunami within the first day can be seen by this high-resolution simulation employing GFDL's HIM ocean model.

Animation (MPEG4 - 5.8 MB)

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last modified: February 27 2006.