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Hypoxia Summit Outlines Strategy to Develop a Long-term Monitoring/Observation Plan for Improved Management of the Gulf of Mexico “Dead Zone”

Co-organizer Alan Lewitus of CSCOR gives opening remarks
Co-organizer Alan Lewitus of CSCOR gives opening remarks

At the CSCOR-sponsored Summit on Long-Term Monitoring of the Gulf of Mexico Hypoxic Zone: Developing the Implementation Plan for an Operational Observation System, NOAA Leadership met alongside scientists and resource managers to develop a long-term comprehensive monitoring plan for the Gulf of Mexico "dead zone." The goals of the Implementation Plan are to (1) improve measurement of the size of the hypoxic zone (the key goal of the Action Plan), (2) support further research on its causes and impacts, and (3) advance the development of a hypoxia observation system as part of the Integrated Ocean Observing System and Gulf of Mexico Coastal Ocean Observing System. The meeting was held on January 30-31, 2007 in Stennis, Mississippi. Over the past decade, CSCOR-supported research has provided monitoring data that have served as the basis for the current Action Plan, now marking a transition to operational status. For more information, please contact

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