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A variety of EVS publications and EAD-related articles from the popular press are available for online browsing or downloading from this section.

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Highlighted Publications

Radiological and Chemical Fact Sheets to Support Health Risk Analyses for Contaminated Areas
Peterson, John M.; MacDonell, Margaret M.; Haroun, Lynne A.; Monette, Frederick A.; Hildebrand, R. Douglas

Development of an Analytical Methodology for Sarin (GB) and Soman (GD) in Various Military-Related Wastes
O'Neill, Hugh J.; Brubaker, Kenneth L.; Schneider, John F.; Sytsma, Louis F.; Kimmell, Todd A.

Discrete Charm of Cooperative Federalism: Environmental Citizen Suits in the Balance, The
Puder, Markus

Environmental Policy and Regulatory Constraints to Natural Gas Production
Elcock, Deborah

Final Environmental Impact Statement for Construction of a Depleted Uranium Hexafluoride Conversion Facility at the Portsmouth, Ohio, Site

Life-Cycle Evaluation of Alternative Configurations for Shipping Low-Level Radioactive Waste to the Nevada Test Site
Daling, P.M.; Biwer, Bruce M.; Siebach, Peter R.; Ross, Steven B.

Measurement Uncertainties and Minimum Detectable Concentrations for the In Situ Nal Gamma Spectroscopy Systems Used at the Fernald Site
Davis, Michael J. (EA)

Modeling the Suitability of Potential Wetland Mitigation Sites with a Geographic Information System
Van Lonkhuyzen, Robert A.; LaGory, Kirk E.; Kuiper, James A.

Process for Reducing the Licensing Burden for New Products Containing Depleted Uranium, A
Ranek, Nancy L.; Kamboj, Sunita; Hartmann, Heidi M.; Avci, Halil I.

Avoiding Destructive Remediation at DOE Sites
Whicker, F.W.; MacDonell, Margaret M.; Hinton, T.G.; Pinder, III, J.E.; Habegger, Loren J.

Publications/Presentations, Fiscal Years 1999-2005, Environmental Research Division
Haugen, Karen L.


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